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"You're such a baby" I snark back as we make it to our tech class. Hopefully, today is a good day.


After an excruciating 3 hours of listening to our professor lecture us on how to take care of technology, we were finally able to leave.

"That guy needs to learn that most of the people in his class know how to take care of computers," Bre says annoyed.

"True... So hey Bre can you take me to my job?" I ask sheepishly.

"Sure, but I need to stop at The Avenger's Tower to get some paperwork on the way."

"Ooh, am I gonna meet this mysterious girl that you keep talking about?" I say with a knowing smile.

Breanna shoves me " You know it's not like that" "Get in the car or I will leave your ass."

"mmhmm" I get in the car and we start heading towards The Avengers Tower. "So whats this paperwork about?" I ask while looking out the window, the buzzy bumbling street of New York the only thing you can see for miles, barely a tree in sight. 

"If I knew I don't think I would be keeping it from you since we usually work together on these things."She says only looking forward at the road.

"Well, it better be good I'm tired of going over budgets for manufacturing of technology."

"That shits annoying." she rolls her eye still paying attention to the road as she turns into the employee entrance for The Avengers Tower. "Don't touch anything,  say anything or even utter a word to anyone period, don't even look."

"Yes, mother" I reply in a sarcastic tone and an eye roll to match.

"If I were your mother I'd backhand you so hard right now." She mutters as she gets out of the car already halfway through the parking lot.

I get out of the car and run up to her, I slow my pace to match when I get close to her. I keep a straight face and stay quiet as we walk through the tower. Breanna shows her ID to get into the elevator and presses a floor number. When we reach the floor it opens to a hallway that leads to Sargent Beck's office. I could tell Breanna was getting visibly getting nervous with each step she took towards the Sargent's office. "Don't worry Breanna the worst thing you can do is ramble so much that you bore her to death." 

She rolls her eyes "Valentina Roe Stark if you don't shut your damn mouth now I'll make you."

"Yes ma'am," I say sarcastically and slightly startled because Breanna's never been this serious about me shutting up. Breanna walks up to the door and knocks of it with sweaty palms. we hear someone with a very bored tone say "Come in." We walk into a very neat office with blank walls and nothing personal except an acoustic guitar in the corner of her office. "Oh, Breanna you're here to pick up the paperwork," she says as she stands up "And who are you?" she says on high alert and slightly jealous.

"Valentina Stark, ma'am, I'm a friend of Breanna's" I introduce with my very posh accent.

"She's only here so I can drop her off at her job when I'm done, I didn't think anyone would mind since I was just picking up paperwork and it's not like I'm attending a meeting or anything. It won't happen again I swear, I just knew she wouldn't have stayed in the car if I asked her to. Please don't tell Mr. Stark." she rambled really fast. 

"I was just gonna tell you to get her a visitor pass, so we know her name," she replied calmly with an amused expression.

I sit here trying not to bust out laughing because she did exactly what I thought she was gonna do. "Sargent if you don't mind, I have to get to work so I'd really appreciate it if you gave my star-struck friend the paperwork and we'll be on our way." If looks could kill I'd be six feet under with the way Breanna is giving me side-eye. I'll most likely get a lecture when we step out of this office.

"Of course Ms. Stark, Breanna remember your training starts tomorrow if you're planning on working side-by-side with Stark then you need to know how to protect yourself." She hands us the paperwork and we leave the office and as soon as the door closes Breanna is giving me an ear full on how I was being so disrespectful to the girl code, whatever that is. 


Sargent's POV

'I really need to have a sit down with stark and his lies, who knew he had a daughter, shes literally his splitting image.' I think as I can hear Breanna's usually calming voice practically yell at Valentina for saying she was star-struck. I don't even know why she'd even say that Breanna was just nervous I'd tell Stark. I leave my office and head towards the main Avenger's floor to ask Tony about his daughter.

*discontinued*( For Now) Reflecting Hellfire || Avengers Where stories live. Discover now