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"...I didn't say never, I'm just speaking the truth." But in the back of my mind, I felt like he was going to be an important part of my life.


Yoshi comes up to me as I'm closing. "Val, do you have anyone to walk you home?"

"No, but its fine I only live 10 minutes away."

"I'll walk you home, don't want someone as pretty as you getting hurt."

"let me just get my coat and then I'll meet you out back." I grab my coat and meet her out back and lock the door. New York is freezing right know because its in the middle of November. "Thank you for this you don't have to."

"I'm going to because I want to now be quiet." "So if I'm not overstepping why did you move from the UK to New York?"

"well, I wasn't raised in a loving home, to say the least..." I think back on my childhood trying not to break down in front of Yoshi. "My dad got a divorce from my mom, my mother always said he just wanted another younger prettier wife, that he was an asshole and didn't know when something good hit him. But as I grew I started to see through my mother's lies. Throughout my life my mother has never been the lovey-dovey type, never reading me bedtime stories or fighting my monsters away. But she grew to be the monster, verbally and physically abusing me to the point of PTSD. But one night it became too much, she came home from one of her druggie friend's houses, high as a kite. I was getting ready for my school formal, she came into my room and started to call me ugly and tore my dress off of me and proceeded to point out every flaw on my body. It continued to get worse, I got a full-ride scholarship to the college I'm going to now but she said they were crazy for giving a stupid girl a scholarship and that I would never keep it that I'd fail my classes and be begging to come back to her." I didn't realize that I was crying in front of my apartment with Yoshi holding my hand with a sympathetic face and tears of her own. "I'm sorry I can't believe I just dumped my whole life story on you."

"Girl, I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to know," she told me.

"Well thank you, do you want to come inside so I can get you something warm to drink," I say to her with a smile my tears finally drying.

"Yeah if it's no trouble"

"You walked me home and listened to my sob story it's the least I can do." I open the door to my small studio apartment provided for me from the college and head to the kitchen to make a warm drink. "Tea or Coffee?"

"Coffee is fine" she replies with a smile.

I start to make the coffee when out of the corner of my eye I see Yoshi go over to one of my arch reactor prototypes. "Woah where did you get this from, I thought only Tony Stark had this type of tech?"

"Oh, I made it," I reply sheepishly. "It's only a prototype I've been working on making a suit since I was 17 but never could because of my mother."

"Do you have other tech stuff?" she says rather intrigued.

"Yeah, I have an AI.... RIV can you introduce yourself to Ms.Yoshi?"

"I am RIV an Artificial Intelligence, Ms.Stark made me when she was 16 but just recently I have been put to use." A rather sweet female Australian voice said through the speakers placed through the apartment.

Yoshi looked around in awe "you never told me you were a genius."

"You never asked," I say trying not to laugh at her face. I finish making her coffee how she told me she liked it.

"Well, I need to go I have a doctor's appointment early in the morning tomorrow but I'll see you at the diner later," she said as she was hugging me.

"I see you later, have a safe trip home." I wave to her as she walks out the door.

I lock my door and start getting ready for bed and set my alarm for school tomorrow.


I wake up to an obnoxious ringing sound and remember I have school today. Thank god I only have one class today and its tech. I get up and get dressed in a graphic tee with skinny jeans and combat boots and throw on a leather jacket. "RIV how much time do I have before class starts?"

"Ms. Stark you have 15 minutes till your technical design class is to start."

"Thank you RIV"

"No problem Ms. Stark"

"I guess breakfast has to wait," I say as I start to run out the door grabbing my bag with my laptop, keys, and phone.


I get to the school with 5 minutes to spear and an angry Breanna waiting.

"Could you have taken longer Roe, you know I hate to be late to class." Breanna is a close friend she was the only one that would talk to me when I got here a month ago, she knows all about my past. Breanna got here through the Stark Scholarship and is promised a job there once she graduates for her gift in Technology and Computer Programing.

"Yeah, yeah so I oversleep one time and your pissed, is it your time of the month." I roll my eyes

"I don't have periods anymore they stopped when I got on the pill."

"Why are you on the pill you're hella gay" I reply confused

"Periods are living hell."

"You're such a baby" I snark back as we make it to our tech class. Hopefully, today is a good day. 

*discontinued*( For Now) Reflecting Hellfire || Avengers Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang