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Sargent's POV

'I really need to have a sit down with stark and his lies, who knew he had a daughter, shes his splitting image.' I think as I can hear Breanna's usually calming voice practically yell at Valentina for saying she was star-struck. I don't even know why she'd even say that Breanna was just nervous I'd tell Stark. I leave my office and head towards the main Avenger's floor to ask Tony about his daughter.


Yoshi's POV

I walk into my doctors' office. "Hello, Yoshi James here for an appointment with Dr. Francis?"

"Sure hun, just sign in and someone will come and get you when the doctors ready."

I sit down and look around the office to see many strong men and women who have gone through the same struggles as I have. This reminds me that I'm not the only one, but I'm never alone in my struggles there's always a community to back me up. I'm brought out of my thoughts by a nurse walking out with a clipboard "Ms. James Dr. Francis will see you now."

I get up and follow her through the boring white hallways to a boring white room with my doctor in it. "Yoshi come, sit down." I sit down and look at my doctor waiting for the usual questions.

"Have you been feeling mood swings?"


"Have you been feeling any aches and pains"


"Anything out of the normal at all?"

"No everything's been absolutely "normal"."

"Well that's great, I'll have a nurse come in and give you your estrogen shot and then we'll give you the rest of the shots for the next 6 months." She gets up and gives me the prescription. "Call if anything out of the normal happens within 36 hours of having the shot."

"Thanks, Doctor." She leaves and a Nurse comes in and cleans my arm then gives me the shot I've been taking since I was 5.

"I just want to say you are one of the prettiest women I've seen."

I blush "Thank you, that means a lot."

"No problem." She cleans up everything and disposes of the needle. I get up and walk out of the room and get my next appointment date. I wave goodbye to the receptionist and go towards a coffee shop to get some lunch.


Once I'm in the coffee shop and have my food, I sit down and pull out my tablet. Since Val told me she's been trying to create her suit I've taken to putting designs into it to make it more feminine and not look exactly like Tony Starks. I've also been interested in a catsuit for her if she were to be a spy or agent. I know it's farfetched but what can I say I have a vivid imagination. I look up and realize that I've been at the coffee shop for 2 hours. I pack up my tablet and start to head out towards home when I see one of my friends Natasha Romanoff she's apart of the Avengers but we've been close for a while now. "Hey, Nat!" She looks over at me and smiles grabbing her drink she just ordered and sits across from me at the table.

"Hey, Yoshi how have you been? I'm sorry I haven't called, I've been super busy." She says with a sympathetic smile.

"It's fine, you're out there saving lives, you can't always be around to talk to me." Natasha hasn't spoken to me in 2 months, she usually goes on missions for SHIELD and doesn't return for a while.

"You might as well be a hero you deal with all of the hungry and drunk assholes that come into Mamma's Kitchen."

"It's part of the job, can't be too different than dealing with Tony Stark. Speaking of Tony Stark I met one of the sweetest girls she moved here from the UK her names Valentina Stark."

"That's interesting, do you know her parent's names?" 

"I know her moms is Mandy Miller but her father divorced her mom before he knew she was pregnant," she says sadly.

"That's sad, well I'd love to meet her sometime but I need to get going Tony's designing some new tech for me." she gets up and hugs me saying goodbye. 

I get up and leave the shop, and start heading towards my small apartment. on the way there I see a man harassing a trans woman. "You're disgusting, a man wearing girl's clothing." The poor woman was obviously in tears, she was trying to enjoy her lunch and this asshole has to ruin it. I walk up and stand between them. "Sir, I think you should leave this lovely woman alone." 

"I think you need to mind you're own business lady, this man needs to learn that God doesn't except fags." 

"God doesn't except assholes either, so back off." 

"Why don't you make me sweet cheeks" As soon as those words left his mouth I punched him and he was on the floor crying like a little baby. I stomp on his groin "This woman will always be accepted unlike you, so why don't you run along and cry to your mommy."  He gets up off of the ground and sprints in the direction I just came from. 

"Thank you, miss......" 

"Yoshi you can call me Yoshi, and it was no problem that asshole needed to learn his place in the world. On the ground" I reply sweetly to the girl. 

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