Author's note

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So, I just wanted to clear some things up, and say thank you!

My friends and I put this story up 3 or 4 days ago and it already has a 105 reads, that's nuts. So THANK YOU!!

Tony is like 42 in this story and Mandy his ex Wife and Val's mother is 45. Pepper Potts doesn't exist, sorry not sorry.

If you guys would like Mandy's bio just let me know.

This story will have Val getting a love interest and I kinda want it to be someone who's part of the Avengers so, suggestions are open.

This story from this point will start to mention more real life struggles, homophobia, transphobia, abuse, drugs and alchohol.

If their is anything wrong with the story spelling and or facts let me know, just because there are 3 different minds reading through and checking the book doesn't mean it's going to be perfect.

I want to say Thank you again for reading.

Love the imfamous 3,
Breanna, Yoshi, Fionn.

*discontinued*( For Now) Reflecting Hellfire || Avengers Where stories live. Discover now