She is gay.

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Mother Earth,
is grabbing this opportunity,
to rest, to heal,
to breathe and to chill.

She was destroy,
She was ruin,
She was scorching,
But today, she is gay.

Over population was minified,
Crimes were lessen,
The wound of atmosphere,
was healing, and she is gay.

My brothers and sisters,
Instead of looking at the negative side,
Why we won't look for the positive side?
Let us look for our Mother Earth coz she is gay.

Looking how the nature getting healthy,
It makes me happy.
But hearing the bad news of COVID-19 virus,
It makes me uncomfortable.

Yes our situation today,
is kinda arduous.
The only thing to flatten the virus,
is staying at home.

But at this moment,
I just want to tell you this.
Stay safe, be positive.
Help our front liners and be happy,


Because mother Earth is gay,

She is gay from healing.

Earth TodayTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon