My Funny Shifu

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So it's agreed.  Fu Yu will train under Senior Die Feng here on Kunlun as well as at the Peach Tree Grove and mainly because he has the most patience to teach my little friend.  In fact, out of all the Disciples, Die Feng is Fu Yus favourite, he follows him everywhere anyway.  Except when he's in trouble and gets banished to the naughty room.  But whats so surprising, is that my bravery has actually helped Fu Yu more than I could have hoped for.  Because not only is Fu Yus punishments much shorter, he is actually obeying his new Shifu.  That good little sprite!

Me on the otherhand.  I think I much prefer Shifus cuddles than our lessons because they're getting boring.  Shifu said I have the attention of a flea and if I want to be a good Disciple, then I have to complete my work which really isnt all that hard, its just boring.  

Like today, I learned all about living at peace with the 'Way'.  Well, if I was as brave as I was that other day, then I would tell Shifu that the only 'Way' to live peacefully is with cuddles every day and happy feet every other day.  Laughing is the only thing that makes my heart happy and at peace, so doing chores and finishing short assignments is not peaceful to my heart and I tell him so.

"Xiaobai.  What do you think would happen if chores were not done?" he asks me most seriously.

Lowering my head, I don't bother to think too much because the answer is obvious.  Lessons always go like this.  No matter what ideas I think are good, Shifu comes up with something else that makes my ideas sound dumb. 

"But Shifu.  Chores don't make me happy and at peace, and they don't make me laugh." I tell him stubbornly, which instantly has Shifu on his feet and dragging me up with him to take a walk.

"There are many reasons why chores are done, but the main one is for peace of mind." he says which Im listening to even though my shouders are slumping at what is sounding like a lecture.  "For instance.  If Cheng Bao didn't dust the pillars, the dust would build and the air would become musty and stale, which would make breathing uncomfortable.  Therefore, his hard work ensures that our health is taken care.  The same goes for any other chores, everything we do creates a reaction or a consequence.  Do you understand?" he asks softly as we enter the dining hall which is empty right now.

"I think so....." I mumble because this is not fun and I dont care if Shifu can see sad me, I just want a cuddle and a nap seeing as I can't sword train when my brothers are learning the bow and arrow because Shanhu said I will get hurt.

"Now, these chairs for instance......." he says as he sets about dragging them all out from the table and leaving them in random positions around the table......  "If they were not pushed in, and I was in a hurry to get to my meal, I might trip over them." he says which kinda makes me smile, because Shifu doesnt rush for anything.  Or maybe just for me when I hurt myself or cry for him.

"But I can see that you think chores are boring, so the trick to making it not boring while finding a way to create peace for all, is by making it fun." he says with a twinkle in his eye as he bends down on one knee to smile at confused me.

"How is pushing in the chairs fun Shifu?" I ask goggling at him, seeing as he looks like Fu Yu does when mischief is about to hit.

"Well.  There are eighteen chairs.  One for each of you and one for me and half of that makes.....?" he asks smiling.

"Nine!" I say quickly.

"Good girl.  You are very good with numbers, I shall remember that." he says patting my head and tapping my nose playfully.  "Nine chairs each.  Do you want to see who can get the chairs pushed in first?" he asks chuckling at my rapidly growing happy face.  

"A game Shifu?" I ask almost squealing.  I love games, especially speedy ones which I play with Fu Yu all the time, only I never thought of turning chores into a game.

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