The Depths of his Love

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His under belly is raw and there are a multitude of scrapes and cuts down the full length of his body, but the worst of his injuries are his broken legs which gives me a little insight into just how scared he actually was.  Zi Lan informed me that the little kit was dragging itself about on its fore legs, yet the pain should have been so horrendous, that even dragging itself along would have been near impossible.  So it is obvious the fear had overridden everything to a point where the pain did not exist.

This is actually a very good lesson for my boys which I immediately set about teaching.  Several are in the room with me, and so I explain the benefits of fear which they all listen to most attentively as I also include the art of splintering a broken bone which they also need to learn.

It doesn't matter if it is a man or a baby, fear produces many chemical reactions in the body, so endorphins, seratonin and such which is akin to taking langdang which is an hallucinagenic.  It literally forces the brain to overrule the body which acts as a shield to pain.  The body is really quite remarkable and it shows just how powerful the fear had been for this little kit which is now in a deep sleep and oblivious to my boys who are all gushing over his thick white coat and rather cute features.

And so for a time, we talk about what fear can do to a young child.  It is a kind of trauma that will follow it into adulthood if not contained quickly and that means compassion from the outset.  Which then continues into another lesson on the affects of trauma on a young mind.  I have no idea how he ended up on Kunlun Mountain with a woodland sprite that I have sent to Die Feng to watch over, but whatever happened, the injuries suggest something violent which also has me sending several of my boys into the low valleys to scout for clues and especially any trails the child may have left behind which will give me an idea of where he entered.

And it is only now that I sit back and rest having spent a good two hours tending to his wounds which will continue to be painful at least for a few days because I am expecting a concerted effort to attack or escape the moment his eyes open.  That he had managed to overcome the pain suggests this little kit is a fighter which only endears me more to his fiesty spirit than its soft pure white coat and dazzling blue eyes.  Actually blue eyes is a rarity and exceptionally beautiful to look at, but as to which tribe he belongs, still remains a mystery, because there are no fox tribes that are solely blue eyed.

And that has me quietly wondering where he came from.  There are literally hundreds of fox tribes in this world and most of them are centred closeby, so I am not too concerned in finding her family just yet.  But what does concern me, is the woodland sprite.

Stopping briefly to rub at my temples, my mind goes back to Mo Yuans rather unkind reaction to Fu Yu.  Back then, he had been just as much a baby as I was, and for a long time, I wondered what it was about him, that Mo Yuan detested so much.  There had even been times, when I thought I saw a flicker of hate in his eyes when he looked at my little friend, but because he had been so kind to me, I always pushed that thought away.  It seemed inconceivable that a man as kindly and soft as he was to me, would harbour such feelings for anything or anyone, only the moment my head lowers to continue reading, then I am given a much greater insight into his mind and what lurks behind the smiles and tender eyes.

There are just as many woodland sprites in this world as there are foxes and like them, their eye colouring can be just as rare, though most have rich shades of browns and the odd blues, only one kind of sprite has the green eyes, and they belong to a very rare breed.  In fact, if I am not mistaken, this sprite belongs to the same ones that brought about the Great War that saw my mother give up her life.

Back then, the greatest evil ever to have risen from the bowels of hell erupted into our world because of one particular tribe of sprites who were tasked with weakening the pillars that separate the Heavens from the lower realms, which also includes this world.  They are not pillars as such, but four enormous energy shields that prevent all worlds from encroaching on the ones above and below it.  Only these particular sprites belong to a dark realm so deeply steeped in pure evil, that they are often used to create mayhem on the upper realms.

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