A Wish Come True

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News of the pregnancy has been kept only to those who need to know, and that being my immediate family, The Skylord, Lord Di Jun and of course my Kunlun brothers who are all exceptionally happy for us. And we don't tell any of them until a week later because that is how long Mo Yuan has kept me on the ship and with Yunru closeby, the entire week goes by without incident.  The nausea wass being managed well which of course meant that Mo Yuans plan for me continued with a roar.

I might be pregnant and feeling a little fragile, but that did not stop him from introducing me to the main bed chamber which sits on the top deck of our ship and that is because he wanted to give me an unobstructed view of the stars which is exactly what I see, when we finally make it to bed.

There is literally no roof above my head which made me feel a little disorientated at first, but no sooner was I forced into bed, but the sight above us has me in tears again.  Above us was our two stars and Hong Luan which has almost moved into position and under that beautiful starry sky, Mo Yuan made love to me in a way he had never done before.

The entire room was decorated in a mix of light browns, reds and golds which only enhance the beauty of this room when the candles are lit.  It has an ambience that I have never experienced before and with the stars above us, my heart soared with love for this man who was not only looking super beautiful that tonight, but I don't think I could have loved him anymore, I felt so loved and cared for.

Like I have mentioned before, Mo Yuan usually likes a little rough play in bed, and the harder it is, the more enjoyment he gets out of it, but being pregnant, instantly saw the most tender side of him rise.  It is a side of him I have only ever really seen when I was little.  Its as if children bring out the softest part of his soul while the War God is forced back to the fringes because he made love to me slowly, sensuously and most generously that night wic went on into the early hours of the morning.

Now back on Kunlun Mountain, and feeling so much better for the week away in the fresh sea air and with a man I now just want to hurry up and marry so we can begin a new phase in our life, I take Yunrus advice and continue on as I have always done.  She said that pregnancy should not hinder my movements until the last stage and exercise, a good diet and lots of activity to keep my mind busy, is all good for a healthy pregnancy and though Mo Yuan thinks I should be spending the next three years in bed, Yunru quickly overrules him.

In fact, I really like this woman.  I have found myself talking to her about things that I have never spoken to any other woman about and that is because she is most kindly and generous with her time.  I can feel a friendship growing too, so it looks as if the past is now well and truly in the past where it belongs because she is the third woman that I have grown close to.  The first is Cheng Baos wife and also Liangs girlfriend which makes all three my first girlfriends.

Though Yunru is with me now and having checked me over to ensure that my heartbeat is steady and I am feeling healthy, she then leaves me with the decorations which I am hanging in the main temple with Zi Lan and Ling Yu.  This will be my last day and night with them until the wedding day, because I have to return to Qing Qiu and the multitude of visits with the elders, my family and of course the decorations and wedding attire that they will be wearing.

Only right now, I am hanging lanterns while Chang Shan and Fu Yu hover at the door watching as if I might accidently slip off the ladder and kill the baby because that is the look on their faces.  I mean really!  Anyone would think Im dying they way they are acting around me now because they are being that careful.  Actuallly, they all are.  I have noticed they are keeping their voices much lower, especially at the dinner table, and Zi Lan, who is the most vocal and lively, has even stopped thumping the table least he gives me a heart attack and kills the baby. 

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