Her Innocence

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I realize that what I am about to teach her, will see much of her innocence die today, but having just been stolen from my own mountain and her home and her innocence almost destroyed, I deem my lesson necessary if she is to protect herself in the future. She is naturally seductive, but rather than openly aiming to get them into her bed, she is going to gently lure them over a cliff. With subtleness.

This is the safest route for her age, and I am positive that in just a few short years, her ability to master the many stages of seduction, will no doubt show itself, but for now, I prepare her lesson with a few brand new dresses, each of them fashioned for an older woman but not too far above her age. They are similar to what the Goddesses of the Celestial Heavens wear though hers still maintains the feel of a child on the cusp of womanhood due to the dainty roses embroidered into the sleeves while the tassels which most children love, flow against the wind and give them the impression that they are wings.

Now quietly observing her out of the corner of my eye, I immediately notice the way those tassels are girlishly flicked into the air to catch the light. There are the tiniest of sequins sewn down the full length of each one and being dark green, the sparkles lift the tone and enhance the fabric while also forcing the attention onto her curves which the tassels highlight.

Quietly contemplating on whether I have prepared the correct seduction technique for her going by the way she entered my study, I just as quietly add a few details which I think she is in need of because the way she all but flounced into the room before flopping down onto the cushions, says she has no idea how to pull that dress off, which requires a little skill that she obviously just doesn't have. Then again, she has been raised with boys, so I wasn't really expecting her to have it.

There are nine different ways to seduce and all of them have their merits when going up against an enemy, only The Demon Overlord will not be that easy, considering he is the master of seduction. So I have chosen the most subtle of them all.

The first, is what immediately comes to mind when thinking of seduction. The Temptress, the ultimate fantasy. Without morals so a symbol of pure pleasure. She is every mans dream woman.

The second is The Cushion. She will feed his need for acceptance and compassionately stroke your sagging ego, by uplifting his every success, thus giving him a soft cushion to cradle his big head.

The third is The Peacock. This one is the most visual so easy to spot. They are the life of the party but also the rebel. They do not abide by rules, rather they set their own while drawing everyone into a life they all dream of. And that is freedom. There are no pretenses with this woman, a man can be himself.

The fourth is the butterfly. This seductress acts and speaks seductively without any serious intentions. They are flighty and flirty, but will leave a man cold when they grow bored and fly away.

The fifth is The Magnetic. These women are few and this kind of seduction is very difficult to pull off if she does not already have the required traits. That being charismatic, confident, charming, beguiling. They are highly intelligent and will use wit and knowledge to lure their prey. Then again, their prey needs to have the same qualities or they will leave him flat and embarrassed.

The sixth is perhaps the most endearing. This seductress is the Charmer. All men like to be the centre of a woman's attention. She will uplift his already inflated ego by highlighting his every positive trait and triumph and even his looks while diminishing her own to make him stand out.

The seventh is The Mystery. This woman is not so open or forthcoming. She smiles most endearingly, flutters a lash or two, but there is always a barrier in the way, one that he will fight to pull down. She is in effect his challenge.

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