The Riddle Master - 1

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I am at the entrance with my brothers and this time Fu Yu is on my shoulder rather than his Shifus because we are the new entrants, so will be placed together in between the rest when we make our way to the Celelestial Heavens where the participating High Gods will battle for the Golden Pearl.  I'm so excited and a little awe struck, because apparently the Demon Lord will also be participating which is exciting.  I have never seen him before but I have certainly learned much about him and his people who are legendary for their exceptionally powerful magic.

But I am also excited because Papa and Zhe Yan will also be competing along with many others from around the world including Die Fengs father.  Though who we choose to support, is entirely up to ourselves, so long as we maintain order regardless.  And I'm kind of torn.  I want my Papa to win of course, and even Zhe Yan, but I also want Shifu to win just because he is undefeated.  It would be a shame to lose now, so I have decided to just wait and see how it all unfolds before I choose the one I want to win.

Die Feng seemes to be in the same predicament, but having attended a few of these already, he is not letting on where his loyalties lie and of course, none dare to ask, but we are all curious.  And as I wait for the clouds to gather, Fu Yu is already placing his bets on the Demon Overlord seeing as he has only ever participated in two previous races which saw him lose by a mere few seconds.

Shifu on the other hand is standing a little apart from the rest of us to mentally prepare himself.  We will be leading him rather than the other way around.  It is a signal to the world that this High God is someone special, someone that we revere and one that we all support fully.  Chang Shang explained our leading Shifu in as a kind of statement, its all symbolism.  We as his Disciples also carry the prestige of Kunlun Mountain on our shoulders, the world looks to us as upright, highly knowledgeable and exceptionally powerful men and girl, so for us to lead him in, says his esteem is beyond reproach.  

I like it when he puts it like that.  It makes me super proud to be a part of this private and elite world that Shifu has created for us, and what I have also learned, that being a part of his world, means my own status has been elevated immensely so its hard not to feel that weight on my small shoulders.

Only the moment I look over to where Shifu is standing, then I catch a glimpse of a look that I have never seen before in all the years I've known him.  There is a fire in his eyes.  Its both scary and exciting at the same time, as if he is battling inner demons that are rearing up for release.  I think that this must be the competitive side of him coming out, because he looks neither calm nor collected.  In fact, he is looking impatient and over waiting for us to leave, he just wants to go, and right now!

Me too!

And no sooner is that thought in my mind, then Die Feng is ushering us onto the clouds that he has prepared for us.  This is an interest to me, because the whole reason why I am here, is because I wanted a cloud of my own, only I need all nine tails to cloud jump, where as non Nine Tailed Foxes can cloud jump once they reach High Immortal.  I think this is so unfair, because I too am a High Immortal, but I still need them to get me from one place to another.  Only Im not given any time to dwell on it, because Die Feng has also noticed Shifus face so is hurrying us along, so that Shifu can take the last cloud.

And before I know it, we are off.  I am on the same cloud as Shanhu, Cheng Bao and Ling Yu  have been given the job of taking care of me and Fu Yu, only no mischief is passing through my mind right now, because the pride of who I am and what I'm representing is at the forefront.  My head is high, my face calm and we are on our best behaviour.

The last time I was in the Celestial Heavens was when Shifu took me to find Mama all those years ago, and I have very clear memories of that time.  Namely the brightness and the very beautiful goddesses, so Im also excited to see them too.  Not since those three girls in the grove, have I seen any others, that it almost seems like a dream.  Mostly I remember their beautiful gowns and their smiling faces, so that is where my mind is at when we finally arrive to lead Shifu through the main corridors which are lined with special guards whos duty it is to ensure we make it to the right place,  and that being the main Palace where the King, or rather the Heavenly Overlord will welcome in each of the contestants before giving them the first clue like Shifu did for us, while we wait outside and get ready to race after them

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