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I can see why Xiaobai is most closest to her fourth brother, especially after our first lesson because the boys eyes light up the moment her name is mentioned.   He obviously loves her very much and because of this, he has made her his responsibility to teach her all manner of things, including remaining in her fox form when around strange men.  This is something that comes back to me and only because in the early days, she had been most reserved when around my students bar Liang, who surprisingly looks a lot like her brother which explains why she took to him so quickly, but remained aloof around the rest, until she felt more comfortable with them.

And it is Bai Zhen who gives me a much greater insight into the girls mind as well as her disposition.  It took some time to find that comfortable space where two different minds can meet without butting heads.  But I do have to say, he is not unwelcoming, just a reserved figure who does not like to share his personal space which I can appreciate.

But I do find him rather amicable once I have made it clear that I only wish to discuss Xiaobais lessons and the influence he has had on her learning so far, which is both conductive and restrictive, though more for myself as I need her to let his teachings go, so that I can take over.

He is most understanding and makes it clear that he has no intention of interfering in what he sees as valuable knowledge that will only assist in her growth, though he does insist that he be allowed to intervene should I teach her anything that goes against the core values of the Foxes which I agree with, though I do insist that we talk any issues through first seeing as Xiaobai is more influenced by this brother than the rest of her family.

In all, our talk was pleasant enough and we both came to an amicable understanding though I am disappointed he was not given the same opportunity to learn under me, because his is a mind I would have loved to teach.  He is highly intelligent, strategic and thorough in the way he deals with any issue he is presented with, but even more compelling is his gentle disposition.  

He is kind, honest and exceptionally gentle in the way carries himself, which is a rare find in one so young.  But I also feel that inner warrior I saw when he was dragged back from the Mortal Realm.  Before me now, is a boy who presents a most calm and approachable disposition, though that aloofness remains at the edges along with that power I saw which is deadly and uncompromising.  So a rather complex individual but highly likeable and a boy that I find I could actually become friends with.

But even more importantly, he is Xiaobais anchor.  

She is both flighty and wayward in how she approaches most things, while he is steadfast and stable, he is the perfect anchor for her so I do not want her to lose that connection with him, because I can definitely see the advantages his affect on her will have on the future, but I did have to ask that he take a step back to allow me to cement our relationship as Shifu and disciple without the need to stamp my foot down should she go running to him when punishments are necessary, and this too is something he is more than happy to give over to me, though he did ask that should severe punishments be necessary, that he be personally informed.

This I do not agree to, because for one, I do not answer to anyone, instead I inform him that should an issue arise which might need his assistance in the future, then I will absolutely seek his advice should I deem it necessary but I will not seek his advice on any decisions I choose to make.  This was really our only issue, but in the end, he also agreed that stepping back was more beneficial to her in the long run.  And that was the end of it.

I immediately returned to Kunlun Mountain to organize more lessons based on her train of thought and her ability to retain information which I think is far more advanced than she is letting on, whether intentionally or not, though I think it is the latter.  And I also decide to bring along her brothers one at a time in order to strengthen her relationship with them, which will also assist in loosening the ties with Bai Zhen while at the same time giving them a chance to cement their bond with her for when she moves onto the mountain.

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