Its Over.

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One full week has passed since my ascension and I am no closer to accepting my trial as I was when I returned, though my family have all gathered to rally around me.  I have informed them that Mo Yuan was a part of my trial but as yet I am unable to share the details, and I doubt that I ever will.  After all, trials are never shared, especially High God trials, though my family have always been supportive when I need them the most, especially mother who has tried to talk it out of me, but so far, I am keeping it to myself.

Though it was on my first day back that I learned exactly what had happened when I was suddenly taken from the Grove the day of my birthday which was in reality, only a few months ago and rather than attack the worlds leaders as my parents had done the first time I was snatched away, this time, they knew I had been sent to trial and going by the way the Bell of Kunlun had begun to rumble across the world, they also figured I had once again been sent to Mo Yuan to bring him home which Zhe Yan explained to me.

He said that no one had ever escaped the Chaos and though Mo Yuan had done the absolute impossible, he needed someone on the side of the living to bring him back.  That was why his star kept flickering in and out of the sky, he needed an anchor, someone who was close enough at a soul level to bring him back.  The problem was, his parents are no longer among us, but it seems that fate in its twisted wisdom, deemed my unholy love for him and perhaps his for me, to be the catalyst to bringing him home.  After all, Mo Yuans heart had never been moved by any other woman or even man until I came along, so it seems that his love for me was what took us both to trial so he could return and I could ascend.

Well is't that just grand!  

Actually, I am super angry with fate right now, but I do not dare to let my famiy see it because they too have had to go through yet another trial of their own having waited silently yet painfully for my return having no idea where I was, if I was alright or even if I would make it back in one piece, so I do not pour my troubles onto them, instead I sit back and quietly watch as they fuss over my new title which has now been officially made known while also admiring my cloud calling skills which started all of this.  Only now, it doesn't seem as magical and wonderful as it had when I was little.  It feels no different to throwing a spark spell.

Calling a cloud takes no effort at all, so I can't help but think that the price I had to pay for such a simple spell is too high and I also can't help but liken the spell to a Crown Princes sword which is worth a bag of gold but only being given three nuggets and then being expected to accept it.  If anything, I think fate dished me up a raw deal and if it had a face, I would seriously punch it right now!

But like I said, my family have been put through enough already, so I swallow the self pity and smile as they fuss over my new energy and the added prestige I have just gained for Qing Qiu.  I am the only High Goddess this world has, so I guess that is something I should be very proud of, but Im not because like I said earlier, all I did was suffer the heartache of being betrayed by a man I still want but cant have, and just like that, I am a High Goddess.

Still, it is hard not to smile at my mother who is acting as if I am the one who pieced my soul together and escaped the Chaos, because she can't stop touching me, fussing over me and even crying, while father just sits there all gooey eyed with a smile permanently fixed to his face.  Though Zhen Zhen and Fu Yu are still the same as ever.  One talks to me about what is happening in the world and filling my head with the latest gossip, while the other is filling my head with what is happening on Kunlun Mountain.

"Shifu is still not well enough to travel, but he is asking for you.  When are you going to visit?" Fu Yu asks for the umpteenth time which I merely shake my head at.  I am not ready to see him yet and I don't know how long it will take before I am, but it won't be any day soon.

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