My Little Princess of Qing Qiu

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The poor child is so embarrassed and tearful, that I gently hold her in my arms and allow her to fall asleep as she is while my mind dwells heavily on the sprite, Qing Qiu and the Peach Tree Grove.  If it is true that the Sprite belongs to them, then under the laws laid down by my own father, Bai Zhi and Zhe Yan can be executed for raising what is in effect an enemy of the Celestial Heavens and a major threat to the rest of the world.  This is an issue I need to tread carefully with because both men are not only High Gods, but highly respected.  

In fact, both men come from the original tribes that my mother saved with her life, and because the sprites form is well documented, he is easily recognizable which is also putting me in quite a bind, because my next move for this girl is to take her straight to the Celestial Heavens.  There are special envoys that we use to track down anyone no matter where in the world they are.  No one can hide from these men because they are trained to track every energy known, though I do not expect the foxes to be hiding, if anything, they are searching for their daughter and more than likely in the East.

Laying the book down, I rub my sore belly to settle the baby who is very active today.  though Yunru said that she is taking up every spare inch of space in there, so she has very little room to move, which only increases the pain when she does.  Her small feet are trying to shatter my ribs, I am sure of it.

"Dear, come and join me for tea please." Mo Yuan calls from the door with a look that says I need to get up and moving about.  He has been gone every day this week and returning late due to the realms meetings still taking place, but he always finds time at the end of each day to spend with me while ensuring that I get a little exercise which I am not because his books are keeping me in the day room.

"Alright." I reply and laying the book down on top of the pile I had already pulled out to read later.  Then hauling my fat self up off the cushions I imagine the smile on his face is because of the way I am waddling across the room towards the outstretched hand.

"How are you feeling today Qian Qian?  Is he still giving you a hard time?" he asks as he then leads me out onto the path that will take us to the hammock garden.

"She is being mean to me." I reply with a doleful look which I I like giving him, because it means his attention remains fully on me.  I know its childish, but being pregnant and fat is not making me feel all that beautiful, and even less when he is spending his entire days away from me.

"Mean to you?"

"Mn...." I nod and flutter my lashes at him which really only his own eyes laughing at me as I am drawn into a cuddle right there in the middle of the path and in full view of all my brothers who are not only staring but they are gushing.  Only I feel like a seal, my belly is so big, that I can barely feel Mo Yuan against my breasts which is just as well, because they are super sensitive and at times painful.

"In that case, I should take better care of you." he says chuckling softly as we once again make our way forward.

"I know you're busy Mo Yuan, but I just wish you didn't have to be away all day every day." I complain against the side of his arm.

"Well, it just so happens that I have put an end to the meetings."

"You have?"

"Yes.  You are due to give birth, and I want to be here for you." he says with a dig at my mother who had visited a few days ago to lay down the birthing laws only to end up in an arguement with him because Mo Yuan is adamant that he is going to be in the birthing chamber with me which she is super opposed to including Yunru who is trying to make him see sense.

"Mo Yuan.  Why must you create friction with mother?  She is only trying to maintain tradition and order." I try to conjole him, but to be honest, my heart just isn't in it, because for one, I really do want him with me and secondly, I want Mo Yuan to witness the birth of his first child. something I believe every father should.

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