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Worlds where humans have certain items that give them special abilities are called Cornias. A Cornia corresponds with a certain legendary. One boy by the name of Sheldon doesn't seem to own one of these Cornias. Welp, this'll be interesting surely. His journey starts when he attends a Pokemon/Human school. He doesn't have any friends, yet that starts to shift from 0 to 2 while still embarking on his journey, where he shall soon find the one he calls his partner. Now, if we have no further interruptions, I'd really prefer to start at the beginning. Won't you join us on this legend burned into history?


Hi! This is Gold Ninja, but I'm sure you all can read. I've been developing this story for a while, since it only started from a thought a few days ago. I hope you all enjoy it while it stands.

Hope you all enjoy and because of the virus who's name shall not be said is floating around i'll probably have some extra time on my hands. This is Gold Ninja and see ya'll in the next chapter.

The Cornia of GalarWhere stories live. Discover now