Yells and Ceremony

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Hey guys! I am in a surprisingly happy mood considering it like 3:17 in the dang morning, but hey! I'm just happy! and I hope you guys are having a good day s well while your reading this. Anyway, this is Gold Ninja and I hope you all ENJOY!

They finally made it to Motostoke. Sheldon decided they all take a break at the Pokemon Center before making their way to the stadium. As they neared the center, Sheldon recalled Crystal to her ball since she would need to be in there in order to get healed. As Nurse Joy took their Pokemon to the back to get healed, Sheldon and Hop took a seat at one of the tables in the center and Sheldon decided to look at the information about his new Pokemon. He opened his Pokedex and went to a certain section. The dex started speaking.

"Pokemon- Growlithe / Moves- Ember, Howl, Bite, Flame Wheel" Sheldon was surprised that the Growlithe was almost the same level as Crystal and Toxel. Realizing that in the wild area, he was just going off moves he knew they had he decided to do a bit of research on the others.

"So, Sheldon. You ever thought of naming your other Pokemon?" Hop asked out of curiosity. This got Sheldon thinking, he has considered it. Crystal told him that Hop was gonna name his Eevee Blitz, which he though suit the Eevee quite well. So what was he gonna name Toxel and Growlithe? He'll need to ask them about it later.

"Yeah Hop, i've been meaning to ask Toxel what he wanted me to call him. Now i'm gonna need to ask Growlithe as well. I'm terrible at coming up with names, so I wanna ask them what they want me to call them." Hop nodded telling Sheldon that it's a good idea to let the Pokemon make a name for themselves.

The heard a ding and looked towards the doors where Nurse Joy came out with 2 trays of Pokeballs and called them up to the counter. They got up and retrieved their Pokemon and were about to leave when Nurse Joy stopped them.

"Sheldon was it? We looked at your Growlithe and it looks like he has a virus called the Pokerus" This got Sheldon worried he didn't know what this 'Pokerus' does, but he didn't like the sound of it. Joy noticed this and gave him a reassuring smile.

"There's nothing to worry about, just make sure to check on your Growlithe from time to time, alright?" Sheldon nodded and Nurse Joy bid them farewell. Hop looked at the map and looked towards the center of the city.

"Alright, Sheldon. We need to take that lift there in order to get to Motostoke Stadium, so lets get moving." After taking Crystal out of her ball, they quickly followed after Hop who was nearing some sort of lift. They all got on the lift and the gate closed behind them. What they weren't expecting was to feel their body's get jerked around before coming to a sudden halt.

After recovering from the small shock they made their way into Motostoke stadium to see a lobby full of trainer from different city's around Galar, maybe even some from different regions! This got Hop and Sheldon excited as they made their way to the front to get registered.

"Hello, are you two here to join the Gym Challenge?" Asked the man up front. SHeldon and Hop nodded their heads while pulling out their endorsements. The man read them and to say the least, he was astonished!

"Wow! one endorsed by the champion and the other endorsed by the Pokemon master!" Heads started turning their way as everyone started chatting about the two, one particular boy with blue eyes with yellow stars looking at them with a growing smile. Sheldon's face is starting to heat up from embarrassment from already being talked about, and Hop's face just grows more confident as the man is registering them for the challenge.

"Alrighty, now you need to choose a number for your jersey." Sheldon went with 805 while Hop choose 189.

"Alright, you're all set. The ceremony starts tomorrow, so when you're ready, make your way to the Budew Drop Inn to get some rest." Now that sounded like a plan. After everything that happened to them today, they needed rest for tomorrow. They made their way out of the lobby and turned right in order to get to the inn. They entered the inn and made their way to the receptionist just to see a group of people wearing black and purple clothes and had megaphones and posters of....Marnie?

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