Promise Kept

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Hey guys, Gold Ninja here. So, i'm writing this the day I posted the last chapter, but with how much work I have, it might take a bit to get this one posted. So a good chunk of this chapter will just be one big fighting scene, so put the music above on loop, and ENJOY!

The battle had begun. Everyone had their Cornia out, waiting for someone to make a move. Bede decided to attack Hop first. He teleported behind Hop and tried to punch him, but a wall of stone formed behind Hop, protecting him. Hop then turned around to swing at Bede, but Bede teleported away. While Hop and Bede were fighting it out, Marnie charged at Sheldon with her scythe raised. Sheldon stood his ground and swung his sword once Marine was close enough, resulting in a clash. Marnie takes a step back and swings her scythe at Sheldon. Sheldon blocked her strike and attacked from the left, but Marine backflipped away. They then charged at each other once again. Marnie did something that Sheldon didn't expect. she raised her right hand and next thing Sheldon knew, he was blown back by darkness. He got up off the ground, only to look to see Marnie charging towards Bede and Hop. Hop was able to hit Bede with his hammer, but instantly got knocked back by psychic energy afterwards. He noticed Marnie charging behind Bede, about to strike, and he got an idea. He slammed his foot on the ground and the gym started shaking.


Stone pillars began erupting around them and then everyone was hit by the pillars, and not even Bede could teleport away in time. Sheldon changed from his sword and shield to a fist that had light energy spiraling around them. Once he landed, he rushed towards Hop and punched him in the stomach, but Hop counters and knees him in the chest. Sheldon feels the ground beneath him start to shake and another one of Hop's pillars hit Sheldon into the air. While he was in the air, Sheldon formed a plan. He aims his arm down at Hop and concentrates.


A strong gust of air blasted from Sheldon's hand and blew Hop into Marnie. Sheldon then switched to his shield and used it to cushion the fall. Once Sheldon got back up, he concentrated on the water on the battlefield. He shot his hands toward Hop and Marnie and the water in the pool started to rise.


The water then shot out towards Hop and Marnie with a lot more force then he expected. The water hit Marnia first, making her swirl around and next thing everyone knew, she was out.

"Student Marnie is the first one out!"

Right after the speaker said that, the water hit Hop and forced him into the wall of the gym. Then, out of nowhere, Hop was lifted in the air by Bede and thrown against the wall again, this knocked Hop out.

"Student Hop is out!"

Alright, while he felt bad that he assisted in Hop getting knocked out, he had to focus. Marnie was out, Hop is out, that left- uh oh.

Suddenly Sheldon was launched in the air and thrown into many of the little mountains. Everyone in the bleachers gasped at what just happened and when the smoke cleared, there was Sheldon, who was struggling to get back up. He looked up and saw Bede standing in front of him with a smirk on his face.

Sheldon launched forward with his fist and tried to punch Bede, but he teleported. Predicting that Bede would teleport behind him, Sheldon switched to his sword and swung overhead only to clash right into Bede's barrier. Bede picked Sheldon up using his psychic energy and blasted Sheldon into a pillar that Hop made. Everyone winced as they knew that must have hurt in one way or another.

Sheldon got back up and tried to find a way to defeat Bede. Bede could teleport all around the place and can put up a barrier before he could land a hit. He realized there was a way to beat Bede's, but it would require a lot of energy. He glanced towards his dad and silently apologized in advance for what he was about to do.

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