Chapter 2

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I woke up exhausted to 3 missed calls from my mom. I don't know why she would call me 3 times when it's not even 10am yet.

I decided to text her to see what she wanted because I had a massive headache.

Me: Hey Mom

Mom: Good Morning Sweetie💕 Just wondering how your Christmas Break is going! When are you going to come visit? You have a whole month to come now❣️

Me: My Christmas Break is going fine especially since it just started. Tickets to New York r very expensive right now, but the later ones are cheaper so maybe I'll be home after Christmas. Sometime in January and I'll stay for like a week if I can

Mom: Very good honey! I can't wait. Have an amazing day and call often. I love you❤️

Me: love you too

This was awesome now that I finally had a break. I love the University of Miami, but damn did I need a break.

Suddenly my neighbor, Mr. Garcia knocked on my door. Mr. Garcia was a man in his mid 50s who was very cheerful. I opened it in the same clothes I wore to the concert and same makeup, just a lot messier.

"Oh rise and shine." He said as I opened the door. He looked me up and down in a very concerned face before I finally spoke.

"Hello Mr. G"

"Hello Y/N! Just wondering if you like the Miami Heat by any chance."

"Do I? I watch every single one of their games. Of course!"

"Oh that's great news because I have a ticket to the Heat game tonight and I'd hate to see it go to waste. It was a very... very expensive ticket," his face started to become disappointed, "and I can't go."

"Oh, that's unfortunate"

"Yes very. I forgot that today is my anniversary with my wife. So I have to give this away. It's a really good seat, right behind where the players sit." He looked like he was about to cry.

I was about to thank him until he just gave me the ticket and walked across the hall into his apartment.

Well sucks for him, but holy shit I'm going to a Heat game. They play the Bucks tonight so I know I'm going to be watching a good game.

"Damn," I said to myself, "these tickets must've cost a fortune."

I showered and changed into jean shorts and a University of Miami t-shirt. Then I went back to sleep because I felt like I was about to pass out.

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