050 - LUKE!

169 14 5


well. last show of the tour. it's bittersweet, tbh. ash and i are like,, publicly together now tho

don't worry diary gods he approved the tweeting of that

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don't worry diary gods he approved the tweeting of that... tweet

i am so happy. what the fuck.

so many things happened on this tour and thinking about it is incredibly overwhelming shdhfjsjsksk

i started it closeted?.?.?.?.? and now i'm out and publicly dating the person i've been in love with for three years .?.?.?,!,!? and i punched someone in the face?..??,!.!,!,

fuck bro

okay. jennifer may or may not have been right about this whole journal thing. it did help. thanks jen. ur a real mvp.
it's also cool that i can look back on shit that happened over the past couple of months since i wrote about it all
should i keep journaling????? i might???? idk i'll probably forget.

we're going on stage in fifteen minutes and i'm kinda sad abt it. i don't have to see tcs ever again after this tho so that's a plus
i still have slight anger issues. shit
it's fine

welp. guess i'm signing off now. see u l8r diary gods. i'll miss u dearly.

- lu

(heheheh this entire note is so cheesy)

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