ch 3 save him

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oh kion it been a long time since I saw youis eavythang okay" rani said than saw bang on the lion back.
" omg buang what happened!!!😨😨" can't say. Kion told her that buang got sark. " What git him to the teer I know what he needs," nare take sister rane said. When buang is in the teer of life laying on the rock inside " I w-" busing began but was cut off " not a word" nare said " is he going to be okay" kion was really worrying. " yes it will but with all the things I need to do to him and help him git all the way back to like we were before it will take 3 days till you and buang can go home" never said " thank you" kion tell her. " okay, on this way" race won't him to faller him and he did. Soon enough they come to a hill. " kion mark your Self at home wane you came to hear wan we were only cubs this was your favorite spot remember wan we would play all day last time you came here on this hill" rane said " yeah I do, and want I got back my back sister killed me" kion said " hahaha, maybe she won't this time,

3 days later

" you see litter bather you are the only one who can talk to him," rane said
" okay I'll do it " doily said. Goes up and sits beside Kion. " this isn't going to help you kion you need to eat you can't start yourself and not drink water" Kion just glance at the Young Lion beside him and was silent." This is not going to help you all you're doing is giving yourself more pain" biology said.

" I know that's why I'm doing it," Dion said. " what why is that good for your health," bodily said " well... I thought if I do this I'll get tougher and then I won't cry don't get upset when my sister hits me cuz her friend Hannah always has beaten me up ever since I was little maybe if I want to hide my feelings and get tougher she I won't get hurt anymore"

"Your sister-friends hurt you why don't you tell anyone does your sister hit you," Billy said "my sister only slaps me when she's mad me but she slaps hard!!" " can you tell me" boily ask
" yes" kion said

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