ch 10 kion is save

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" Please let me go" kion begged " how about making a deal," zeara said. " what kind of deal..?!?!" Kion asks " you join us and help us all samba and we will let you live," zeara said " well... Zeara as much as am mad at them all right now I go with No" " are you sure" " oh I am". The lions sending to ceap up on kion thay was going to attack the young cub but than ther was a roar that colt anyone easy kion know exactly who it was the lion jump down infont of kio and roar at thame once more " Don't you ever come close to my son agane " thay all ran off in the distance. Kion tur to run off but samba stump on his tall " union your not going anywhere yong lion"

Kion could not half it in no more he t He tuand around and leaned his hard in his father's mane huug his "I sorry dad." Thay hug for a moment" kion I forgive you but don't come into the Portland area its is vary dangerous..if I was not hear who know what could happen" " yes daddy"
Soon they was at the bottom of pied rock.

" kion you are to go into the den and say ther till me and your mother come and get you" kion know he was going to be in big trouble that just him cuz he ther that he was punished enough weit with have happens" but he did as his dad wish he ran in the den lay down in the darkness part of it and cry his Self to seelp.

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