ch 12 the new guard

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"Okay so I have just found out that I am the leader of the new lion guard the lion guard is a group up animals.that protect and defend the circle of life" kion saids.

" well have fun with that"fuil said.
"What??" Join was confuse. " I said have fun with the other lions Cubs!!!" Fuil said started to walk away.

" wait fuil let me explain" kion Said
" the lion guard group of animals that protects pired lands and Defender the circle of life The Lion garden needs fiercest, fastest, strongest,Braves, and the keenness of site.
I wont all do you to de on my team"

Fuil was wide eye. Aparna Ono said ( sorry that all I can spall) bescht she said Polo Duncan jump up and said un-bang-lievable

Kion walk up to fuil and places his paw on her shoulder " fuil you are the fastest fuil was sark she could no believe what was happening. Kion want over to ono he places his paw on his shoulder " ono you are the keenness of site" than move over to busht " bust you are the strongest" than walk over to buang " and last but but not least" kion put his paw on buang shoulder " buang you are the baves" than kion go the the middle of them all and look at Them

" the lion guard will not always be easy but we can do it we will fight for what right and protect every animal in the pired lands protective pared lands and then the circle of life and no matter what we will always have each other. We wark butter as a team"

" yes wan will we began" baneg said " well I got to tall my dad about it so in a couple days" now I have to go bey see you later" and join laft the den

Mind while

Samba and nlna was going to talk to kion and than disliked what to do. But wan that want in the den that could not find him nowhere. " ugh I told kion to stay in the den till I came got him and how did he sneak by us" samba said " don't worry baby we will find him..hmm you said he did not won't to leave the outlands so many he want back to the outlands" nlna said "okay let go to the out lands and anda" smbai said.

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