ch 13 the gaet ruscer

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Kion pov
Ater i made my team I ran as fast as I possibly could to the outlands trying not to be spot by my mom, dad or keara.

Fanill i got to the out lands I was looking for jasiri and than I find her I ran up to her " man she gits more and more gorgeous each time I see her.
" JASIRI!!!" I yall running up to her. But wan I got to her ( aka the girl of my deams) I know something was up. Wan she look at me all I saw I her eays was worry. " jasiri wtha wong" I ask in a worry voice.

" kion help me, my sister cubs thay thay want in to the evil lionss part if the out lands". She talking about cupcake and tom I'm always around jasiri and her sister kids that feel like family so want I heard that thay was in big dangerous oh it was on. I said in a stond voice " show the way".

Me and jasiri want to the lionss part of the outlands but made suar that thay did not see us. Wan we got ther we saw the 2 Cubs thay was in the middle of what look like all of zear pied.

" so what The plan ki" jasiri ask me " it may not be a very good one but it's all I got I'm going to go I the middle and want ther off guard I will tols the cubs over them to you Oi n hop that will make it make suar to be ready and once you got them run and wan I say run I man RUN!! Go to you clan." " what if thay student running after me I'll make them mad and thay will won't me more than you" " hmmm.. Okay be cafer"

3 poson

Kion ran and start to run and ran right to the cubs " oh look it a male fit for a pince....git than all" zeara said. Eavytime a lions will try to git him but he was to fast for them " my queen he go fast for us" one lionss said " that okay mother I like fast food" nuak said coming to all 3 of tham. Than kion pick up the 2 cubs and threw tham over the lions jasiri ran up and thay landed on her back. " RUN!!!!" Kion said. " what did you just do nuka son atcke" zear said and. Zuak was about to jump on kion wan he said " nuka you don't know what you are making with" kion said " haha I love a male with a sense of humor" than nauk jump on kin kion holding him down but kion keck him off " sorry but this male is to go" as kion was baek up to run away he bump in to more lions and he was tape " let me go now or ther will be big tuabe " " hmm let me think..NO!!"zeara said and than the wind was picked up kion was gifting raddy to roar but than 2 oter lions rora before he could the wind dive down and he rallies the roars the 2 lions jump in font of kion protecting him.

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