Chapter 4

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August Alsina.

After that incident Haley &&' I got in the car &&' left. I pulled over so we could talk about our brother &&' sister relationship.

"Haley, your my sister know. &&' we don't hang, talk, or anything like brother &&' sister would." I gave her my full attention.

"August, to be honest I thought we weren't going to like each other at all. My brother was never there for me so yeah..I would love for me &&' you to start acting like a brother &&' sister!" She smiled.

"Great! Okay, I have a interview tomorrow, would you like to come?" I asked.

"Sure!" She said.

Yes! I started the car back up &&' went home.

"Haley, wake up!" I popped her leg.

"Damn, man!" She jumped &&' got out.

I got out after &&' unlocked the house door.

"Since, Mama ain't here to cook us a good home meal, what you want eat?" I walked in.

"Boy, I can throw down in the kitchen. I can cook gumbo, spaghetti, chicken, dressing, greens, whatever!" Haley exclaimed.

"Ya boy, all about that chicken &&' gumbo." I rubbed my hands

"I can cook that then." She walked in the kitchen.

Three chicken &&' gumbo hours later.

"Fatty, the food done!" I heard her yell.

I ran in that kitchen, fixed my plate, prayed over my food, &&' finished in in 10 minutes.

"Phew, I'm full than a motherfucker." I burped.

"That's nasty. I just lost my appetite." She put her plate in the microwave.

"Anyways, take a bath &&' go to bed. Gotta get up early in the morning!" I demanded.

She went upstairs, as I cut the TV off. I hope our relationship stay like this.

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