Chapter 9: Duh, it's Obvious!

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"Dean, we're not buying three pies. You'll never finish all that pie before it goes bad. It's a waste of money."

Dean's mouth drops open in protest, all three pies stacked one on top of the other in both hands. He looks (I hate to admit it even to myself) damn cute with that expression on his face. Even so, I'm not letting him buy three pies. Like I said, it's a waste of money that we really need for important stuff-like ammo and wifi.


"And you shouldn't be eating all that pie anyway," I add, with a concerned expression, "that can't be good for your heart."

"But Vee," he whines.

I force myself not to laugh at the child-like expression on his face. Damn Dean Winchester and his absolute cuteness.

"You can get two," I allow, unable to keep the grin off my face and lean against the shopping cart, "so put one back."

We are currently in the deli department at the local grocery store in Lebanon and we seem to be causing a bit of a scene. Not only are we the strange new people that just suddenly appeared in town, I imagine it's not every day that the good folks of Lebanon get to see a full grown, model quality man whine over exorbitant amounts of pie.

"Fine, fine. Apple," he shoves what I presume is the apple pie into my hands and looks between the two left.

"Hmm...cherry or pecan," he wonders aloud.

"Choose quickly or I'm choosing for you," I call over my shoulder as I grab a package of string cheese.

"Cherry," he says decisively putting it in the cart as well and turning to put the pecan pie back.

As he catches up with me, I hear him muttering something under his breath about "being a grown ass man" and "getting told off by a short blonde".

"I'm not that short," I say as I push the cart into the line for the cashier.

"You're pretty short," he observes, giving me a look.

"I am not!" I persist, "you're just freakishly tall like your brother."

"I'm only six-one," he replies defensively, leaning over me to get his point across, "It's not my fault you're, what? Five feet tall?"

"I'm five-five," I correct haughtily hands on my hips as I tilt my head too look him in the face.

He chuckles in that sexy way of his and I feel something coil low in my stomach as he begins unloading the cart.

"Like I said: short."

"You two are such a cute couple," the cashier says as she begins scanning our groceries.

"Wait, what?" Dean and I say at the same time, both of our heads snapping to look at her.

She giggles, continuing to scan items but gives us both knowing looks.

"Whoa, lady, you got it-" Dean starts, but I lean over and smack him on the back of the head to shut him up.

"Right," I finish for him, much to his horror, "how could you tell?"

Okay, I'm not just being creepy here. It makes a lot more sense for Dean and I to appear as a couple, considering we're probably going to be seen together in public a lot and there's no way we could pass as brother and sister. It just makes more sense in a town like this for us to be dating or maybe even as newly weds.

"Oh it's obvious just from looking at you two. I mean, the chemistry in undeniable. A blind monkey could see it."

I purposefully avoid eye contact with Dean, finding something interesting among the lame tabloids on the rack by the register.

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