Chapter 10 (FINAL)

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Ren: Are you okay?

Me: Yes, I just hope they don't do anything stupid.

While searching in my bag I came across a DVD.

-5 hours flashback-

POV Chinen:

With the boys we prepared a surprise for Sayuri, we recorded the song she had written and put it on DVD.

Me: Yutti holds Sayuri while I put the DVD in his bag.  I say, whispering.

Yuto left to occupy Sayuri while I put the CD in his bag.

-End Flashback-

POV Sayuri:

I was wondering what it was, I put the DVD in the car player and played the music.

Me: Ren is Last Dance !!!  They recorded it ... it's beautiful ...

Ren: It's true, it's wonderful.

Then when the phrase "I don't wanna say sayonara ano Promises" came, I started to cry all the tears in my body, Ren stopped the car and looked at me.

Ren: You don't want to leave, do you?

Me: No ... but it's the best choice ...

Ren: Sayuri, do what you want deep inside.  If you are a group you can overcome everything together, right?

Me: Yes ... but also I didn't tell you but the other day Chinen told me that he loved me, I refused because I had you, and if I go back he will suffer ...

Ren: Sayuri, don't take care of me, you should be glad he likes you right?  Go ahead, go see them and go see Chinen to tell her how you really feel, and then me too the girl I loved confessed her feelings to me so don't worry about me.

Me: Ren ... you're the best thank you very much ....

Ren: I know, go ahead, I'll bring you your suitcases later.

Me: Really, thank you.

So I got out of the car and ran to the house, I had never run so fast, I arrive in front of the house and see Chinen, without even thinking I run towards him and kiss him.

Me: I love you Chinen.

Chinen: Sayuri !!!!!

All the other boys arrived after hearing Chinen.  I took off from him before the others arrived.

Me: I'm back.

And there everyone jumps in my arms, I've never been so happy.

Me: I saw the CD, thank you very much.

Yamada: It was Chinen's idea.

Me: Chinen ...

Chinen: Sayuri, can we talk?

We moved away from the others.

Chinen: How come you changed your mind?

Me: It's thanks to Ren, he told me not to worry about him and do what I really wanted.

Chinen: So you accept my love?

Me: Yes, but I prefer not to tell others about it for now.

Chinen: No problem.

So we go home, Ren had brought my suitcases, I had offered to stay but he had things to do, several weeks passed, we announced in the media that with Ren we were no longer in a relationship because between  us it was more friendship than love, which in itself is not a lie, we stayed very close but as friends, with Chinen everything went well we still haven't said anything  to others we are waiting for the right time.  Today we have a concert, we were all behind the scenes.

Yuto: Look, the last song we're going to sing is Last Dance.

Me: Oh no it's not possible, I can't sing it without crying.

Inoo: It doesn't matter it's good to cry.  He said, pinching my cheek.

Me: Ouch ...

Yamada: At worst you close your eyes at least you can't see it

Yamada arrives and puts his arm on my shoulders, I could see Chinen who was jealous, it made me laugh.

Yamada: ??

Me: Excuse me, I'll try that.

Then the moment to go on stage arrived, we start singing 「Kemono to bara」 then we continue the concert, as usual it was really great, then comes the moment to sing Last Dance, it was me who announce it because it was me who wrote it.

Me: Thank you very much everyone, to finish this concert we will sing a song that I wrote with all my feelings in it, I hope you will like it.  「Last Dance」.

We started to sing.  I felt my eyes were filled with tears, I followed Yamada's advice and closed my eyes.  We finished the song and the moment to speak to the fans had arrived, I was the last to speak.

Me: Thank you very much, tonight I just wanted to tell the boys that I'm sorry if I've caused them problems and I love them so much.

My tears fell.

Me: Excuse me, it's this song that makes me cry every time.

And then there, the whole room began to shout my name.  "SAYURI SAYURI SAYURI SAYURI"

Me: THANK YOU VERY MUCH, well done you managed to make me cry.  I said, drying my tears.

The concert ended like this, today I had cried a lot.  I was alone in my dressing room when I felt hands on my eyes.

Me: Yuri?

Chinen: Hi.  I came to see you because you cried a lot today, like a baby so I figured I was going to keep you company.

He gave me a kiss on the forehead and pat me on the head then take me in his arms, I was so good that I wish that time wouldn't stop.  In the end I fell asleep in his arms.  Then the months passed, with Chinen we announced that we were together but apparently the others already knew it, with Ren we were always friends, he went out with the girl he loved.  I was happy for him.  It's been 2 years now with Yuri we were dating,it went by so quickly, Yuri was lying on my bed while I was sitting playing the piano.

Chinen: Eh Sayuri, when did you fall in love with me?

I stopped and thought, I didn't know, but I think it was this moment.

Me: I think I started the day you defended me at my first concert.

Chinen: Ehhhh? It's been a long time.

Me: Indeed, and you from when?

Chinen: mhhh I think it was when I learned for Miku.

Me: Ohh I see. So I've loved you longer than you.

Chinen: Yes, but it doesn't change that I love you as much as you love me. He said standing up and kissing me.

I hugged him and took him out of my room to get ready because today we are going to the studio to record our new single 「I am / Muah Muah」.

Thank you very much for reading this fanfiction until the end, I hope you enjoyed it, and excuse me for not having published anything for a few days, I will be back very soon with another story. Bye minna 👋🏻👋🏻

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