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"Prisoner, you have been summoned."

Adelaide held out her wrists. "I am ready."

The handcuffs circled her wrists and Adelaide was marched up. Up, up, up into the light. Through the small windows, she could see the sky. Her wide eyes sought each one. The soldiers pulled her into a small room in a little-traveled corridor. Inside, Unwin paced back and forth. The soldiers easily pushed Adelaide to her knees. Her chest pumped as she struggled to regain her breath.

"You were not to tell anyone about the situation here." Unwin's dark eyes spit fire.

"Why am I kneeling? I am a Pfalzgrafin while you are only a commoner."

"I happen to be a Reichsfeiherr and you are my prisoner."

"Oh, I'm your prisoner now? Wouldn't the Herzog just love to hear you say that?"

"The Herzog has washed his hands of you. You are my prisoner and as such you will shut your mouth."

"And what if I don't?"

"Ever heard of this little thing called the Gossip's Bridle? I've been itching to see how you look in it."

"You wouldn't dare."

"You have no idea how much I want to just now, but that will have to wait. Believe me, you will regret it if you do not obey me now. So shut your mouth until I say you can do otherwise."

Adelaide glared at him. Behind her, the door opened. She craned her neck to see her Herzog Lundhoffe being pushed into the room. He was forced to his knees beside her.


"Adelaide!" His voice was weak and his hair was sparse and unkempt. His clothes were threadbare and his skin sagged. He looked as if he had aged 20 years since the last time Adelaide had seen him.

"Any further talking will result in punishment. Especially for you, shrew." Unwin threatened again.

Father and daughter watched him warily. He sat down and grabbed an apple, slowly eating in front of them. The Herzog licked his lips and watched Unwin like an animal. Adelaide wondered if he had been fed well. Unwin slowly finished his apple, clearly reveling in the Herzog's discomfort. He threw the apple's core to the side of the room and leaned forward.

"So here we are. I suppose you're wondering why I've brought you here after so many months in the dungeon." He smiled. "Unfortunately, dear Adelaide seems to have broken her promise and told someone of the situation here. Didn't you?"

Adelaide opened her mouth to defend herself, but Unwin cut her off.

"Don't answer that. Our dear Kaiser is going to be arriving today. He sent us notice a week ago. You, Adelaide, are to play the dutiful daughter who has been working herself to death to care for her father. And you, Zyprian, will play the same part you've been playing, just in a different bed."

"You're letting us go?" Adelaide burst out, eyebrows raised.

"Hahahaha!" Unwin laughed. "Now what kind of idiot do you think I am? I happen to have servants and spies everywhere in this castle. Each of you will be under constant surveillance. You don't want your father hurt do you, Adelaide?"

"Don't you touch him!"

"Oh, he'll be alright as long as you behave. And you, old man. You love your daughter, don't you?"

"With all my heart," Herzog Lundhoffe's eyes met Adelaide's and held them. He said the words to her with conviction.

"Well, isn't that just lovely. Wouldn't want anything to happen to her, would you? No? Alright, then. If either one of you says anything, the other dies. I can arrange an accident for each of you quite easily. Guards, please take the old man to his bedchamber. For the duration of the Kaiser's stay, he is to be referred to as Herzog Lundhoffe."

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