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Science has lost its faith in God.

Religion has lost its faith in humanity.

As the world of advanced science arises, so does the desperation of religion to bring back the faith of humanity in God. Sino ang mag-aakala na ang kaguluhan sa pagitan ng relihiyon at siyensa ay ang magiging puno't dulo ng magiging katapusan ng buong mundo?

"Hello? Eric?"

"Brother Sam, I got it!"


"I got the medicine for Cardinal. I'm almost there. Can you please tell him to wait for me? "

Eric ended the call. He breaks out in a cold sweat as he glances back and forth at the clear glass vial containing a liquid orange drug. According to his professors, this drug might finally be the cure for cancer. A drug derived from the fungus that is genetically modified to produce enzymes to kill cancer cells that are active in an individual's system.

"Fungus? I forgot what the fungus was called—".

"Pathoceps! Yes, it's the right one, yeah."

As he drove deep into the forest, an old parish church welcomed him. Ever since he entered college, he hasn't had any chances of visiting his one and only home. Analyzing the appearance of the church as he drove closer, it seems that it has not been cleaned or maintained by anyone. Weeds and molds are all over the saints, and even the paint color is already fading. This is probably because only the Cardinal does these tasks and only asks for little assistance from them. As a result, no one really knows how to maintain the beauty of the church.

The hot summer air crippled his skin, and the deafening silence made him even more worried and nervous. Eric lifted up the vial and stared at the glowing liquid. For some reason, the word "clinical trial" kept replaying in his mind.

"I don't care if this is still under clinical trials. Cardinal is dying from that stupid cancer. Let's see how effective your God of Science is, and maybe all of my sacrifices in studying science will be worth it."

The door of the church opened, and he saw a beautiful young woman smiling ear to ear at him. Eric couldn't help but smile as well. Those three years of not being here seem like decades for him, and he can tell how her childhood sweetheart has grown up.

"Hi Elize. It's been a while," he said as he approached her.

"Hello, Brother Eric, it's truly been a while, and I'm really grateful to see you healthy and still faithful. God must have been guiding you to the right path all these years."

Eric furrowed his brow. "Yeah, but why are you calling me brother?"

"Oh, I'm actually excited to tell you that the church has finally accepted me to become a nun! Although it took me years of hard work to prove my sincere faith to God, I was still able to become a young nun a year ago."

"What?! But I thought you and I would--"

"Goodness, Brother Eric, we have to go to Cardinal now. He has been waiting for you since early morning," she burst out. She quickly pushed his back to get inside of the church and close the door. Eric wearing a confused expression had no choice but to follow Elize, who hurriedly walked towards the empty altar guiding him to the Cardinal's bedroom.

"Actually, everyone here is waiting for you in Cardinal's room," Elize said breaking the silence between them as she glanced at him at the back.

"Why is everyone in his room?" Eric asked. He couldn't help but get suspicious of her actions, which only adds up the anxious feeling he has been having all throughout this whole stealing the drug situation.

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