Chapter 6

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"I never thought that this would happen to us."


Dan Oh's POV

All the members of the congress including Mr. Anderson are having an early meeting about our plan to go to the nearest airport here. Since the military aircraft have been ambushed, we will have to fly out here in our own.

("I came to the military base after you told me the news and the captain said that they'll help us. And now, were on the way to the airport, I should check first the airplane that were going to use. I'll be off now.)

I heard the call ended. Flex didn't make it here because he had been rescuing a lot of people in the city. When he have known about the news two hours ago he quickly travelled to the military main base to get some back up troops for us.

"Everyone, equip yourself with any kinds of weapon you can use. We will stick together and no one will separate. We should be alert for danger. And remember to recognize the type of zombies by their eyes, type A have only bloodshot eyes and type B have decaying white eyes. Understood?" Mr. Anderson said. Everyone nodded in agreement, the door opened and revealed Oppa Tj and Kalem holding a lot of things we could use as a weapon specifically a sports equipments, kitchen materials and even a cleaning materials.

"Pick anything you want and let's get ready to explore the outside world, baby!" Kalem exclaimed as he lift up his baseball bat that was newly covered with barbwire.

Oppa Tj have a pair of arnis that was also covered to with barbwire, Oppa Kalem have a baseball bat, Eonni have also a bat and a kitchen knife, Ivory have two fencing, Kate have a golf club and a two small knife, Rexton have a metal tube, while I have hockey sticks and an extra knife too in case. Only Eonni Sierra doesn't have a weapon. She said she don't want to fight and to get dirty.

The rest of the members are also equipped even Mr. Anderson who had the ax. Everybody was preparing not just the weapon but also their clothes, other are covering their arms and lower part of their legs with a book and tape it and wearing their most comfortable clothes. We are all currently in the rooftop to figure out where we could get out in here as soon as possible without being chased by this zombies.

"Where do you think is possible way out here, Jeremy?" Kate asked as she watches on Jeremy's tablet that was connected to a camera in his drone while he scan the whole school.

"We'll we can get out here if we will go to this way." Jeremy answered and pointed out the forest part. Kate and I looked to where he was pointing at.

"The forest?" Kate asked.

"Yes, we can take the stares at the back of this building without any noise because zombies are in the exit door. Then, we'll walk straight and will see a walls where we can climb up. This will lead us to another forest and a road about 150 meters away." He answered as he move his drone far. Impressive, Jeremy's own invention of drone can be far as it can be.

Kate nodded and gazed at me. She mouthed me to tell everyone who was also looking for a way. Jeremy Sawyer is the best person who can locate since he have a gadgets to use unlike others who are only using google map or just a simple map of school.

I walked my way to Oppa Tj who was also busy locating our way out.

"Oppa! Jeremy found a way!" I cheerfully said but still a bit lower.

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