39- Proving Daniella's Innocence?!, Mo Laotian's Secret Partner?!

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After driving out of the Hymlyn Estate Paul drove to the Sullens planning to talk to Mr. And Mrs. Sullen. He was planning to persuade the Sullens to host a press conference to deny the allegations towards Daniella. A public statement won't be as sincere as a press conference.

" Paul, what are you doing here? How about Daniella? " Mrs. Sullen asked, concerned. She hasn't seen Daniella since she rushed out yesterday.

" Auntie, Daniella is okay. She's at my place. I'm here because I want to help you with this problem. Daniella is innocent, she was framed. We only need to show her innocence. I will help you with that but you need to arrange a press conference for Daniella. " Paul said, eager to prove his lover's innocence.

" My Daniella is so blessed to have someone like you. George released a public statement yesterday but it didn't clear anything at all. This had already affected the company. If this continues it would be difficult for us to get back in track. " Mrs. Sullen worriedly.

" Don't worry auntie. The truth will reveal soon and Daniella's name will be cleared. I promise you that. " Paul assured, he was confident he could unfold the truth. After stating what he wanted, Paul soon left and went to the only person he thought could help him at this moment.

After driving for 20 minutes, Paul arrived at his destination. An abandoned building not far downtown city. The building was only 4 stories and from the looks of it, you would think it was haunted but actually the inside was remodeled into condominium type with skateboard range where the first floor and second floor were merged into one. Paul climb up to the 4th floor where his friend is residing. A computer genius and a crazy hacker, Paul knew this because he had seen him work before. He met the man accidentally when he was chased after by gang members who wanted to kill him. Paul helped him and since then they were somewhat friends.

" Long time no see. You look good. " a young man who looks the same age as Paul talked without turning around from his number of computers. He was tapping on his keyboard, fast that you wouldn't know if his tapping it for fun or he's actually doing something.

" you're looking good yourself. " Paul replied walking closer. He was still the same as before, always on his computer.

" Watch your steps," he warned. Paul looked at the unimaginable amount of wires laying around the floor. It's like what he'd on movies but his friend's were a lot more unorganized.

" I know what you came here for... I can't help you, " The man said, still looking at his computer and didn't glance even once at Paul but he already knew what the Alpha wanted!?

" I haven't said what I wanted yet. You're the only one who can help me find cl--" Paul didn't finish his words after being stopped.

" You came here in hopes I could find clues to prove your girlfriend's innocence!?" The young man asked. Paul's mouth gape in surprise at first and later on nodded at the question.

" Yes, how did you know? "

" Social Media," he said like it was common sense.

" Anyway, I can't help you find clues. "

" You said when I needed help I could ask you. " Paul said sounding like accusing. He was already desperate with the time limit he had with his father. A couple of seconds delay would lead them to bankruptcy. The man on the computer stopped tapping on his keyboard as a red sign saying Access Denied flashed into the screens simultaneously.

" *Sigh* See this? " the man finally turned his swiveling chair and a logo flashed saying "ZI" was on the computer screen. Paul looked at the logo confused.

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