63- Trial

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Three weeks had quickly passed and it was the time for Daniella Sullen's court trial session, normally a trial would last weeks or even months but with the right evidence and power, everyone knew the trial was just for courtesy. To honor Daniella's pledge of innocence.

With the evidence they have, they just needed to corner Daniella until she had no choice but to show her true self. For the past three weeks, it was said she had been behaving well that it's impossible to believe she had committed murder.

All the evidence had already been presented to the judge and jury and they most likely already had decided for a suitable verdict. But they needed to give the defendant a chance to defend herself from the claims. With the image she was showing to people for the past weeks, it had been decided to give the case a trial.

Quickly, the courthouse was filled with people. All members of the Mo, Lopez, and Sullen family were there except Susan Sullen and Gabriel Sullen who's still remained hidden for his healing journey.

As they walked inside the courtroom, Daniel nervously held Laotian's arms as they settled themselves on their seats. He briefly glanced at his biological father, uncle, cousins and then to Daniella's delicate back before he drew back his eyes and focused them on the floor. It was not until Laotian whispered to him assurance that everything will be okay that he had slightly relaxed.

He had already been informed by the lawyer that he might be called up in front to say some things but Laotian assured him that he would not let that happen. He already had a plan to end the session quickly, calling Daniel up in front was just a possibility.

Laotian kissed Daniel's forehead. "Just don't look at her, you will be okay," Laotian said, Diane Lopez rubbed Daniel's arms and said the same. Daniel nodded and tried to distract himself from his surroundings. Thankfully, it didn't take long when the judge finally arrived and they started the trial.

"All rise. Department One of the Superior Court is now in session. Judge Adrian Henderson presiding. Please be seated..." The Bailiff started and everyone followed. The Judge then briefly viewed everyone before he said his piece signaling the official start of the trial.

He asked both sides if they're ready for the session before he asked the bailiff to swear to the jury. When all the formalities were done, the lawyer on the defender's side was called to hear his piece.

"Your Honor, ladies, and gentlemen of the jury: under the law, my client is presumed innocent until proven guilty. During this trial, you will come to know the truth: That Daniella Sullen was just acting on by self-defense. Daniela Sullen had known the dangerous man and that time her life was threatened. The video alone could not prove her crime."

"For the past weeks, my client had shown no signs of aggressive behavior. As a woman as delicate as her, luring the man who threatened her unguarded, was her only way to gain an upper hand. Ms. Daniella Sullen had no ill intention, she was acting in self-defense."

"Therefore, my client is not guilty of murder... but of self-defense," he stated. Silent gasped was heard from the members of the Mo and Lopez family but they remained calmed and decided to see through the end. The Judge listened to word for word, he then later acknowledges and soon called for the prosecutor for his defenses. 

"Your Honor, I would like to call in Ms. Daniella Sullen for questioning." He started after he stood up. The Judge quickly permitted and soon Daniella was called in front.

As Daniell was swearing and later finished, her appearance looked so miserable and wronged. Her act was very effective and that it quickly caught the jury's sympathy. Possibilities were endless, some were thinking maybe Daniella was truly wronged. Although they have seen the video, it could become an act of self-defense.

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