64- June 8th

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A double life sentence with no parole for the murder of two, Mo Luangmie and Rafael Alonso, and attempted murder of Daniel Sullen. Plus 20 years for kidnapping and attempted rape, publicly shaming Omegas, and perjury.

That was Daniella Sullen's sentence. After the news broke out, it was already widely anticipated that Daniella Sullen would not end well with the Mo family being her enemy. Everybody was shocked but can't help accept and move on in the end.

"Are you okay?" Laotian asked, they already arrived home after the court trial and Daniel had quickly checked on his son and hugged him as soon as he saw him as if they had been separated for days. He was still not comfortable leaving Luangmin with a babysitter so he missed him so much.

"Hmmm, I'm okay. Thank you for asking. I just feel bad a little because Daniella had turned out like that. Up until now, I still don't understand why she hated me so much. I don't remember doing anything to her, well, aside maybe for being an Omega and stealing you." Daniel mentioned raising one eyebrow at the last couple of words while he swayed Luangmin on his arms as the little guy squirmed excitedly wanting to play.

"You never stole me from her, I was never hers." Laotian cooed pulling Daniel on his arms. "Just forget about her now since she won't be able to bother us anymore." He added.

"Yeah. That's probably for the best." Daniel replied. It wouldn't be good honestly to mention such a depressing topic. He was finally glad there were no more threats coming from Daniella that would befall upon him and his family ever again. As long as she remains inside the prison.

"Yeah, and it is probably also best for us to quickly come downstairs for the celebration." Laotian reminded since they've already checked on Luangmin.

*laughs* "That's probably also for the best." Daniel chuckles in confirmation. They both quickly come downstairs but they had not fully stepped out of the stairs way when Mo Hanlu meets them half-way and expanded his arms wanting to take Minmin from Daniel.

Daniel helplessly sighs and gives his son seeing that Mo Luangmin surprisingly adored this uncle of his. "Only for a while," Daniel warned causing Hanlu to pout.

"Tch. Stingy! Why don't you make another one and I'll adopt my precious Minmin." Hanlu said as they walked towards the kitchen not expecting Laura Mo to hear.

"Oh so why don't you just find yourself a wife and make your own and so won't have to snatch Minmin from your brother wife?!" Laura Mo interrupted when she heard his second son's words, she was very determined this time to really marry off Hanlu to one of her friend's Omega sons or daughters.

"Mom!!! I like kids but I don't want to have my own and a wife is really not for me." Hanlu reasoned out. He honestly can't see himself as a married man.

"You stubborn man!! Just watch me! I'm going to marry you off so you won't have to bother us here." Laura Mo countered that caused everyone in a room to laugh. By now Daniel was already used to the two arguing about something like this. The Lopez couple, on the other hand, was slightly surprised that the Mo Empire's president was actually this kind of person but they joined in the laugh making Hanlu pout again.

"I will never." He mumbled when his mother wasn't listening and soon after smiled triumphantly that he heard no more attacks from the woman. "Let's just go there and play, let's leave these old people here." He cooed his nephew while he escapes from the middle of the room towards the corner hoping he wouldn't get any more attention again.

With Hanlu out of the picture and champagne distributed among them, Laura shifted her attention to Daniel who was currently been stripped off of his glass of champagne.

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