New Beginning

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My room was freshly painted in pink and white with beige see through curtains at the window. The room consisted of a double bed, two bed side table, a closet and a baby crib in the far corner of the room. The crib was of a baby pink colour with white spread and cushions along with a some small stuffed animals align around the edges. I was so grateful for the effort my aunt put out to organize this room to suite me and my baby.

"Do you like it?" aunt Juleen exclaim startling me.
"I love it,it's perfect" I assure her.
"Well I didn't prepare a separate room for katyra because your cousin are occupying the other room that would be available, and plus she'll be staying with me most of the time" she addresses me while fiddling with the hem of the sleeping baby's blanket."What do you mean she'll be staying with you?" I retort back as I examine her face for answer.
" As you should have known when I accepted to be your legal guardian since your sister is not stable enough to be one, I was inform that you are suppose to be placed back in school to finish your education as a normal sixteen year old girl but I know it may be hard for you but you have to think for two now" she explained cautiously.

" That's bullshit!" I spat while raging like a bull." Do you know how people are gonna look at me, a fucking teenage with a kid I'll be the talk of the school halls and I don't wanna go ,please just let me stay here with you" I pleaded.

" I'm sorry Katy it's not my choice to make I got strict instructions to send you back to school and that's what I'm going to do, so try to consider it" Aunt juleen replies as she leaves the room while closing the door behind her.

I didnt utter another word because I was afraid I might explode. How could they do this to me? They knew the hell I went through at my first school. All the teasing,the humiliation, the disgusted stare and worst of all the gossip from the girls. I was a disgrace to the teenage race,everyone looked at me as a slut and it was my first time ever having sex. I bet junior is having the time of his life while I suffer in pain and regret not of my baby but of my mistake of letting him into my life. Motherfucker!!

After my little argument with my aunt
Katyra woke up because she was hungry. I didn't know much about babies but after watching countless YouTube videos I had an idea how to properly breastfeed her. It was kind of hard to place my tiny nibble in her mouth but after repeatedly trying I mastered it. She laid peacefully sucking away on my breast while a lie on my side facing the window.

How could this happen to me? I was a straight A student, a good team player on the netball team and a perfect student counsel but I guess its just life. I just need to start over again.

"And you need to start over by going to school" my subconscious says

Well I guess I don't have any other choice than to attend school.

Its Monday morning and I'm showering for school. After my subconscious played around with my head for awhile I gave up and told my aunt the surprising news, and that is starting a new school. Everyone needs a new start. Right?

As I blow dry my hair I see my little Kat, that's her name I thought I would name her cat with a K cause I love those little fur balls and plus it's the start of her name. She look around aggressively to find her source of food which is me, she's a foody, she woke me up every five minutes to eat so I didn't get to sleep one bit. I finish up my hair and pick her up off of my bed ,she didn't get a chance to sleep in her crib because most of the time she was being fed.

It took me about 30 minutes to get both of us ready for the day but as soon as I was properly dressed we head down stair to the smell of porridge.

" Really Aunt Juleen it's my first day of hell and your cooking porridge " I say disgusted, making my way to place the baby in her feeding chair. You must be wondering how I got all these baby stuffs, well my Aunt got these stuff from a lady who lost her baby a month ago . My aunt knew and ask her for them when she heard I was about to delivery my baby and the lady was kind enough to give them to us.

"I make the best porridges just try some you'll love it ,I promise" she offered
"No thanks I'll pass" I quickly decline while giving her the most apologetic smile.

" OK come on its getting late"she respond. "So where will I leave Kat " I asked curiously. "Oh she will be staying with Kristen"she replied back.
"Who?" I questioned "It's the same lady who gave you the baby stuffs, she's fond of kids but she always loses them around seven to eight months into her pregnancy she's just unfortunate, I guess" she tells me.
"Are you sure? Because she has already done enough for me and Kat already " I pondered.
" I assure she won't mind, she's a lovely young lady,trust me she'll be fine " She tells me honestly. "Ok" I reply.

Kristen house is just two houses down from ours. Its not too big and not too small, beautifully painted in aqua and white, the house actually looks homey and has a welcoming feeling.
We make our way to her front porch that has two metal benches placed in the corners and a sculpture of an angel in the centre. My aunt rings the door bell and wait for it to be answered. It didn't take long for Kristen to answer the door and she did so with a bright smile.

"Look at this cutie pie"Kristen exclaim while extending a hand towards Kat. Kristen was gorgeous she had an tan skin compares to my olive ones and with some beautiful baby blue orbs and long wavy golden hair that hangs freely down her back, she look as if she's in her twenties.

"This is my lovely niece katy, she's katyra' s mother" aunt Juleen introduces.

"Nice meeting you Katy, how you enjoying the town" Kristen says.

" Well it's not my first time visiting but I guess it is peaceful" I answer politely.

" Good" Kristen replied "go on then don't want to be late for your first day" she implies.

After giving her the baby's bag and bid our farewell we went on our merry way.

The bus ride wasn't long because the school was close by where we live so it took us exactly 10 minutes to reach the school. The bus came to a stop at the big Campton High school sign in which we came off.The school was packed with student of all race and age in different clothes some wore fancy clothing and some wore just simple outfits . But thank goodness I dressed to fit in , in my black ripped jeans and a navy blue sweater that reads " whats not to love" bold on the front with a pair of blue and white nike boots, while wearing my hair natural and blowing in the wind. Here comes trouble.


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