The Odd

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I missed the first two sessions of class because my new principal Mr. Khani, a Indian man in his 40's, was busy having a board meeting in his office so we had to wait for two hours. He wanted to discuss about my former education status.

"So Miss Linton I see on your transfer letter that you were very involved and you have a great academic record...." he trails off locking eyes with me.

" Yes sir, I'm was also on the student counsel and I joined several other extra circular activities" I boast

" In that case we won't have a problem with your academics....but what I'm worried about is how you will cope when student start to find out that your an adolescent mother" he counters while raising an eyebrow at me. To say I was speechless would be an understatement because I  wasn't expecting that question. I was always an obedient student but I had anger issues throughout my teenage years in which I adopted from my precious father. He was a marine soldier in the army a very aggressive one too, most of the time when he came back from war he would always solve his mental problem by abusing my mother physically. She was a very thin woman due to diabetes and the continuous abuse drive her to the edge until she overdose and ended her life I was around eight when it happen and it scarred me for life that I had endless nightmares replaying her lifeless body sprawled out on the bathroom floor with pill laying carelessly on the sink. And about two month after, my father went to war and never came back leaving my older sister to look after me.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Mr. Khani waved in front of my face.

" Sorry, I wondered off for a bit" I explained while crossing my fingers under the desk hoping and praying that he skip the question but he didnt. "Sooooo....." he trails off again waiting for my response.

" I'm fairly quiet.....and.... I will try my very best to stay out of everyone's way" I huskily say.
"That not the case Miss Linton I want to know if you will behave whether you are approach by a fellow student or even provoked" he pressed staring at me impatiently. It took me too long to answer that my aunt that was sitting beside me replied to him.

" I assure you Mr. Khani that she's well behave and as a guardian I will ensure that she doesn't display any crude behaviour " my aunt implies professionally as the office phone rings . Mr. Khani held up a hand while he answer the call.

Why is it this hard to get into a god damn school. I'm sure the social workers gave them a recommendation so why is that now it's taking me forever to actually start school.
When we were finally done it was already lunch time and my aunt had left to pick up Kat from Kristen. I wasn't use to the school because I was new so I skipped lunch and went to my HSB class which I have with Mr. Spence.

The bell had finally rang and students were starting to gather into the classroom, every passing student stealing a glance at me.

" Get to your seat quickly" Mr.. Spence exclaim startling me. He looks as if he straight out of college.
" Ladies and gentlemen we have a new student in here with us today " he announces.

A blonde hair boy with freckles raised his hands in the air to signal the teacher that he has a question.
"Yes Gavin" he answers annoyed.
" Is that her in the far corner" the boy named Gavin asks. I can see that he's the class clown.
"Isnt it obvious" says Mr. Spence " Would you please stand and tell us your name, age and your former school,please ? " he asks.

I slowly stand up and wet my lips with my tongue " My name is katyra Linton I'm 16 years old and I transferred from Redwood High School" I introduced.

" Why you moved here?" Asks a voice from the back. I turn around to see a Greek God, he has a thick jawline, pearly white teeth, black shiny hair with some golden orbs that is now piercing through me. I hesitate for a minute because I didn't know what to say. Should I tell him I moved because I had a bad reputation back home . Hell no.  I'll just make something up.

" Well it's none of your business" I retort shocking both me and the Greek god.

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