Club Involvement Day

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Monday morning rolls around and I'm still in bed tangled in sheets.  Kat was lying on her stomach snoring soundly. I untangled myself from the sheets and head to the bathroom for a quick shower.

When I'm finish showering I rummage through my suitcase for a suitable suite of clothes.  I choose to wear a skin tight black and white dress that shows off my curves and full breast I then add a light later of make up and my pair of flats.

When fully dressed I carry my sleeping baby downstairs in the living room where my aunt is watching the morning news. I quietly place her in her car seat that is positioned beside the coffee table.

"Morning Aunty" I mumble.
"Morning to you too sunshine" raising her head from the television " you look stunning today!" She compliment. I look in her direction and mumble a 'thank you' " I'm leaving will you be okay with Kat?" I questioned.

"Of cousre sweetheart " she nods kissing Kat on her cheek.

I grab my bag and head out closing the door behind me. I walk to the nearby cafe to buy a cup of coffee and then take a bus to school.

As I walk to my locker I get a couple of whistle from the boys. Although I dont give them a glance I still appreciate the boost of confidence. I retrieve my books and stationery from the locker and move to my next class.

My English teacher begins to talk the minute she enters the classroom "As you know today is club involvement day, where you join any club you please. Here are some papers with the name of the club's available" she informs and then dismisses us.

I quickly leave the classroom with my fellow classmates to find a club to join. Because it is our last year they want us to join as many club's as we can so it may look good on our resume when applying for our future jobs.

I joined the quiz club and the United nations club, on my way to the football field to find a bench to sit down so I can fill out the application forms I got from the clubs. I see a group of students in tracks suits handing out flyers. Ive always wanted to join the tracks team from my former school but the coach didn't have much faith in me so I never tried out but I assure you I'm a fast runner I never lost a race at my sports days and I am well fit too. I hurriedly made my way to the group's of students.

" How can I join track and field here? I politely ask.

"You just need to try out on our field with couple of our best runners and if we see that you have potential then you are officially a member" a blonde haired boy informs me.
" Now!" I exclaim shocked at how easily you can join the team here.

" But she can't run in that skimpy dress" a red head points out.

"Shut up Mel!" The blonde haired boy says irritated.
The blonde boy directs me to the field 
and into the lane I will be running in.

"Hey Pitterman, your run dude!" He exclaim to the person I'll be competing with.

"Really Corey" Pitterman argues.

"Are you trying to distract me so I don't win ?" I turn to see none other than Shajay smirking at me.

"Oh please I wouldn't dare" I says tugging down my dress a bit.

"Ok guys here we go"Corey exclaim "on your marks, get set,go!"And we were off at lightning speed.

Shajay was ahead of me the entire time and just when he was about to reach the finish line I sped up and crossed it before he could.

" Your quite a runner" he acknowledges and I just roll my eyes in response.

"You can at least be nice I'm going to be your team mate now that you have made the team" he says walking beside me " you wanna hang out sometime " he continues.

"No!" I quickly decline. I'm not going to fall in to another trap. I don't want to feel pain anymore I'm already trying to pick up my broken heart that is shattered , I don't know when it might mend but when it does I'll let my brain stay in charge not my heart.

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