Apology Not Accepted

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Its been a week since my last encounter with Shajay. After he left me in the middle of nowhere I avoided any interactions with him. Whenever I would see him at school coming in my direction I would turn the other way.

Im now stocking out new delivery of tampons at my shift at the Mini Mart. I came here as soon as I finished school. I've been here for about four hours now and my lunch break is a minute away.

"Wanna go and grab a bite?"Carlos asks eyes glistening with hopefullness .

"Dont worry, Im already taking her out for lunch"another voice interupts.
Turning around swiftly I come face to face with Shajay. I didnt even hear when the door opened.

Upon seeing him I insteadly remember is dreadful act the other day. I stop what I'm doing and grab him by the arm dragging him outside. When we are finally out of Carlos earshot I turn my body to face him.

"What are you doing"my anger rising by the second.

"Im taking you out for lunch"he states the obvious.

"So you thought I would just magically forget how you left me in the middle of nowhere to walk home with a baby,huh" taking steady breaths I take a step back because I fear I might do something I might regret.

"Look, Im sorry,OK" he scratches his neck before continuing "I just panicked because my mom is cripple and she was all alone ......and.....and I was afraid something bad might happen to her while I was out with you " he finishes.

"Well I'm sorry about your mother's condition but you could have at least dropped me off at a bus station and ensure I was safe.... but no you had to be a dick and left me stranded" I force myself to stay calm while waiting for his response.

He was staring at me with such intensity that he had me locking eyes with the sign behind him. He takes a deep breath before talking again.

"I admit that what I did was wrong but I had my reasons "he tucks his hand in his pocket and shift uncomfortably on his feet "let me make it up to you?" He asks suggestively.

"I wont make the same mistake I did before" taking a few step back I shock both us with my next words.

"I rather take Carlos offer than yours"

He looks taken aback by my words but quickly compose himself.

"I hope he leaves you stranded in the middle of nowhere with no cash and no payphone!" He angrily states and turn on his heels towards his car. After he have driven off I contemplated on whether Im going to take up Carlos' offer or not but me being bad lucky and all. I just settle for a cinnamon roll and a sparkling water which I bought from the store and ate at the back.

My frst day at work wasnt so bad other than the thirteen years old who would come to buy cigarette but when I refuse to sell because I obey the laws that bans underage smoking, they call me names. I would had given them a piece of my mind but Carlos assure me that it would cause less trouble when you ignore them. But other from that I had a good time with Carlos constantly flirting with me and giving me endless jokes.

"I hadnt seen Mr. Vincent from I came?" I realize that when I came Carlos was the one who showed me how everything works.

"He went to meet up with his lawyer" Carlos states drawing my attention "he's filing for divorce"

"Oh Ok " I dont want to be up in his business so I dont let the conversation prolong. But I never thought that man could possess a wife with his attitude.

After we wipe the counter and pack out the newly delivered items Carlos close up the store.

"I see that your close with Mr. Vincent" he smiles knowingly at me before speaking.

"He's actually my uncle on my mother's side" I was shocked because Carlos looks far different from his uncle. He has an Asian look while his uncle looks more Italian.

"Oh" I manage to say

"Well I'll see you tommorrow "he say heading towards his beat up kidnapper van. Waving at me he starts his van and drives out of my sight down the road. He offered me a ride earlier but I refuse seeing how he drives like a three year old and how rusty the van is, I prefer to walk home.

As I'm about to walk towards the road someone grabs my arm. Turning around to assault the person I that its only Shajay.

"What now!" I gaze at him aggressively.

"Look Im sorry" he says almost sincerely.

"You can cut the act,you dont have to behave like you care if I'm upset or not because this frendship that we have" I gesture towards us using air quotation "won't last because noone 
in their right mind want to befriend an adolescent mother"

"Do I look like I give a fuck if you have a child"he raises his voice but upon seeing my face he calm down to continue "You look as if you just walked out of a vogue magazine,like damn girl I wouldnt known that you had a baby if I hadn't seen for myself and look at that ass of yours it______"

"Ok,ok I get the hint" I stop him mid sentence.

"Let me finish " he press on " What I really want to say is, there is something that draws me towards you and I feel that I must follow my instinct"a small smile appears on my face but I quickly erase as his eyes level mine.

"So....." he trails off " Am I forgiven" he asks hopefully.

"No!" I startled him but knowing damn well that I forgave him the minute he poured out his all to me but I have to try and play hard to get. At least thats what I think.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2020 ⏰

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