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My life as officially started the day I opened my legs wide enough to bring forth a human being. I'm an adolescent single mother with a broken heart and an unbearable past.  With both parents dead and a bastard of a baby father. I've lost my pride and my confidence the only things that made me different from the rest. Only family I have is my first born baby girl,  she's my motivation, she keeps me from drowning in my own sorrow but most of all she is apart of me; she has my DNA and a couple of my physical features. My eyes have now been opened to the real world where no one gives a fuck about the pain you feel or the unsettling feeling in your stomach when you fear,fear you might lose the only one that keeps you going.

As I sit in Dr. Pete's office I study the chart that surrounds me. I'm awaiting the a test result that had been done a couple hours ago.

Dr. Pete enters the small room with a folder in hand, he pulls out the chair at his desk and takes a seat facing towards me. Placing his reading glasses before opening the folder in front of him and briefly examine the page. Tilting his head to the side he takes a quick glance at Kat before speaking.

"The test was successfully done,but...he remove his glasses and  places an apologetic smile on his face before continuing "but Im sorry to say your child has type 1 diabetes".

At that moment it seems as though my entire world as crumbled to the ground. My precious baby as inherited my mother's disease at such a tender age. I remembered every moment that I spent with my mother, having to see how the disease deprived her of her flesh leaving only bones, she almost looked like a skeleton but with skin. I hate to have to face this again the overwhelming feeling of my heart being ripped apart.

"Miss Linton!" Dr. Pete exclaim taking me out of my trance. "Sorry to startle you but I just want to say you should try to stay calm at this point and be strong for your baby "he break off at the sound of the knock of the door.

"Come" he instructed

A chubby nurse who looks around her thirties pushes her head into the room and nod towards me before she focus on the doctor.

"Doc your son is here to see you" she explains.

"Tell him I'll be with him in a moment" he says.

With that said the nurse exited and closes the door behind her.

"Sorry for the interruption "he apologizes "where was I..... okay yes, as I was saying I know you are young and this is too much for you but it will be okay just keep up with the doctor's appointment for her checkups and ensure she takes her medication, because she is so young she will get lower dosage of the insulin that I'm going to prescribe for her but it will help and another thing it will cost you " he finishes.

Breathe in, breathe out I tell myself hoping it will calm my nerves. I never though I would be this unfortunate,  haven't I been through enough already.  For God sake I got pregnant at fifteen delivered a baby at sixteen when I'm a baby myself , been lied to and most of all heartbroken. How am I suppose to take this ? I ask myself.

At this the doctor take my baby's  hand in his and gently stroke it.

"She'll be fine trust me, everything happens for a reason my dear" he encourages smiling.


I left the doctor's office with my baby clutch against my chest. I hastily walk outside to find a bench in the far corner of the hospital I walk towards it and take a seat. Instantly tears start to run down my face and falling on the now sleeping baby's cheek only if my tears could heal like in the movie sleeping beauty where Aurora's true love tears have woken her up from a spell that was cast on her but this isn't some fairytale this is reality and I have to now be a mother and take on my responsibility of taking care of my baby.

A couple of minutes past and I'm still in the same state as before sobbing away like a baby.

"Hey there" I swiftly turn around to see none other than Shajay.

"Are you stalking me or something!"I ask angrily waiting for his respond. From the looks on his face I can see that I've insulted him.

"Don't flatter yourself " he retort "I was actually concerned after seeing you sitting over here all by yourself with the baby, you can get rob you know or even worst killed " he says .

At least I find someone who actually care ,I think.

"And by the way, why are you crying? Wrong injection?" He joke but upon seeing my stern expression his smile fades away.

"Why are you here?" I ask as calm as I could.

"I was here to see my father Dr. Pete" he explains.

"Your lying"


"I said your lying"

"Oh because I'm such a big liar"he says sarcastically.

"So how do you explain the last name Pete and Pitterman" I ask quizzingly

"I got my mother's last name smarty pants" he grins. "So what were you here for that made you so sad " he asks seriously.

I ponder whether or not to tell him but I couldn't fight my inner self telling my to let it out. So I just spoke my mind.

"Katyra has diabetes"I tell him.

"Who,you?" He asks confuse

"No her " I point towards the baby in my hand.

"So she what to you again?" He asks curiously.  Should I tell or not. Oh well.

"She's my baby and you can go ahead and judge me and call me names or even tell a friend but guess what I don't give a fuck" I say catching my breath at the end.

"Okay... hold your horse" he removes a strand of hair that had fallen into my face then continues "I know you don't know me and stuff but I would never snitch on you that way " he looks at me sincerely.

"And I'm also sorry about her illness" he finished.

At that moment a broke in tears again, crying and clutching Kat closer to my chest waking her up out of her slumber. After a while a feel Shajay' s arm holding me against his chest and smoothing out my hair.

"It's going to be okay" he whispers in my ear " let me take you home ?" he  asks and I nod not knowing what else to do.

Okay guys leave comments and vote!!!!
I would love if someone could make a beautiful cover for me pleaaase!!  with a girl and a boy and a baby. Thank you....

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