Chapter 9

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Valencias POV:
I woke up pretty early this morning and the first thing that hit me were the memories of last night. I kissed him. He kissed me. We kissed. My mind was going 100mph, questions filled my head once again. Was it because I was vulnerable? Does it mean anything to him? Does it mean anything to me? All these questions and no answers, I was going to go crazy, I needed to talk to him, but i'll save that for later. I rolled out of bed, went to wash my face and brush my teeth. I tied my hair up and threw any random top on and went downstairs.

Everyone was still asleep, so I decided to make breakfast for everyone for when they woke up. It was still really early so I had quite a bit of time before anyone woke up. I put some music on and got on with making breakfast. Today on the menu was a classic full english breakfast with a bit of french cuisine thrown in. I made shit loads of toast, bacon, all types of eggs, hash browns, fried tomatoes, sausages, mushrooms, beans and black pudding, for those who liked it(side note: this is what my family call an english breakfast, it may be different for other people). I also made croissants, french toast and other pastries. If that wasn't enough food, I made pancakes, the thin ones though. I have a warming draw so everything went in there while I waited for everyone to wake up. I went and set the table for us all and then went back into the kitchen to clean up.

While I was cleaning up I had mini dance party by myself. I was listening to 5SOS Good Girls, they were my guilty pleasure along with One Direction, JLS and Taylor Swift(all true to me personally). It got to the last chorus and I went crazy. I was jumping around everywhere, playing my air guitar and my air drum set and just living my best life, when I then felt someone pick me up. They spun me around for a bit before putting me down and turned me to face them. I looked up to see Kells towering over me with the biggest smile on his face, half asleep but still smiling. I looked down at my feet feeling embarrassed that he saw me performing my 5SOS tribute act. He lifted my chin up and leaned down and kissed me. It was just as amazing as last night, and in that moment, he answered all my questions.

Colsons POV:

I woke up alone. I rolled over to not find Valencia next to me. Where was she? That's when I smelt it, the scent of food, good food. Tino had given me some shorts last night so I slipped them on and went downstairs, following the scent. I walked into the kitchen to find her dancing around to her music while she cleaned up. I just stood in the doorway for a minute just admiring her. She was just wearing a plain white top, with her underwear on. I then noticed some more of her tattoos that I hadn't noticed before. She had this big japanese style dragon on her upper right thigh, a snake that wrapped around her right ankle, three angel babies on the middle of her left thigh and then a good and bad hello kitty on the front of each thigh. I loved them all. People may think they are random but I believe they each have a story behind them.

 People may think they are random but I believe they each have a story behind them

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Suddenly, Valencia just dropped everything and went into ultimate dance mode. She whipped out her air guitar and air drum set and was jumping around everywhere. I guess she still hadn't seen me. So I decided to sneak up on her. I picked her up and spin her around, and after a while I put her down and turned her to face me. I had the biggest smile on my face, but I could tell she was embarrassed at the fact that I just saw her dancing around, even though it was the cutest shit ever. I lifted her chin up and leant down and kissed her. I wasn't sure how she would react. I just hoped that last night wasn't a one time thing, but all my worries went out the window when she kissed me back. I was loving every second of this moment until I heard the loudest cheer ever. I turn to see who it is and there I see Slim, Rook, Casie, Tino and Roxy all just stood watching us. Roxy had the camera out, clearly recording the whole thing. Me and Valencia just stood there not knowing what to do, until she spoke up

"Roxy are you really recording this?"

"Hell yeah. Can't forget this moment and plus i'll need the footage for your wedding montage"

"Put the camera down before I do something I quite frankly won't regret"

"Alright alright, i'll put it away" Roxy was clearly holding her laugh in but I could tell Valencia was serious.

"Right let's just move on shall we. I made breakfast so stop chit chatting and help me put it all on the table"

So we all helped her put everything on the table, it smelt so good and it looked amazing. She keeps surprising me everyday with all the things she can do.

As we walked over to the table Slim and Rook came up to me

"I knew you liked her"

"Shut up Rook, at least i've done something about it unlike you. I think it's your turn now" Slim just laughed at all this while Rook just gave me his 'angry face'

Valencias POV:

Cheering. These motherfuckers were cheering, And Roxy had the camera out, claiming she was saving it for our wedding montage. We've only kissed twice, well once to everyone else but to me and Kells, this is the 2nd time. I couldn't even be bothered so I just told everyone to help me with putting all the food on the table. Roxy pulled me to the side

"We have A LOT of talking to do"

"Oh fuck off. But come up after breakfast and i'll tell you everything"

"Pleasure doing business with you" I just laughed. This was the reason why she was my best friend

We all sat down and got on with eating my fucking banquette. I don't know why I made all this food, but it tasted good so I wasn't complaining. No one spoke while we were eating so I can only assume it was that good. After we finished that's when everyone started speaking, Casie first

"That was so yummyyyy. Will you teach me how to cook like you?"

"Of course sweetie" She was adorable

"She's right, this is so good. Fancy moving in with us, I could get used to this" Slim said and Rook and Kells agreed

"I'm going to have to stop you right there. She ain't going nowhere. My sister, my food, she belongs to me" This made me laugh

"I stand with Tino, she's our cook"

"Roxy you don't even live here, you may as well but technically you don't. However, I won't be leaving here anytime soon, but you boys are always welcome anytime. I mean it looks like you've all got a room now, so feel free to come over whenever, I mean Roxy does, even though SHE HAS HER OWN HOUSE NEXT DOOR"

"You love me really, don't lie to me Cia" I just laughed

I did mean it. The boys were welcome anytime they liked. I enjoyed having them around, they were fun. I think we're all going to be the best of friends in the near future. I was excited to see what was to come.

bit of a happier one this time. sorry it's a lot shorter than previous chapters, they've just been fillers really hopefully next one will be longer. remember to stay safe, much love<3

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