Chapter 11

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Valencias POV:

Me and Cassie got home around 4pm and decided to go in the pool, as it was still hot outside. We were just messing around, splashing each other, racing(me obviously letting her win) and just having fun, when I heard a knock on the door. I had no idea who it was because Tino was at school, Roxy at work and I told the Kells he could just let himself in. I got out the pool, not bothering to put a towel around me and went to go answer the door. I could hear the sounds of voices from the other side of the door and soon recognised them

"I said you could just let yourself in" It was Kells and the others

"Sorry, we didn't know if you actually meant it"

"Well I did, you guys are welcome here any time. My house is an open house. Just let yourself in, as long as either me, Tino or Roxy are here. But for now can you get inside, me and Casie are in the pool if you want to join us"

"Sure we'll be there in a minute"

I walked back to the pool and jumped in, scaring Casie. It wasn't long before the boys came running up and bombing into the pool. We were all just splashing about and having fun. I was lying on one of the sunbeds when Kells pulled up a chair next to me

"Hey so I know you have to go to work tonight, I was just wondering if I could come with you?" I was confused why he would want to come with me, but spending time with him did sound like fun

"Sure, let's go upstairs and I'll give you a run down of what's happening while I get ready. I'll call Roxy to come over after work and to bring dinner for everyone, we'll have ours on the way there"

"Okay, I'll just let Casie and the boys know whats going on"

So that's what I did, I called Roxy and Kells told the boys and Casie the plan, everyone was fine with it. We went up to my room and I got in the shower, leaving Kells in my room. While I was in there I heard him shout through to me

"Yo Valencia, sick room. You design it?"

"Please call me Cia and thanks. Yeah I did" I loved my room and how I decorated it and I'm glad other people appreciate it to.

Colsons POV:

We got back to Valencias and were just waiting outside the door. I know she said we could just let ourselves in, but it felt rude. I mean we've only known each other like four days. When she came to the door, my mind just stopped. She was stood there in this sexy as hell bikini, tattoos showing, natural hair flowing, skin glowing and expected me to not just want to pounce on her. She snapped me out of my day dream by telling us how she said we could just walk in, but I was too focused on her tattoos. She had 'half heaven, half hell' under each boob, a snake just below her left hip bone and then 'The Creation of Adam' hands across her right rib. Again, I loved them all. She turned around the walk back to the pool and I noticed two more. The red dragon down the back of her neck and don't even get me started on this next one. This motherfucker had 'bite me' on her right ass cheek. Mind=blank, legs=jelly, jaw=dropped, hotel=trivago.

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