Chapter 16

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Colsons POV:

Well that was unexpected. I really thought i'd seen it all before I met Valencia, but really I haven't seen anything. That was the fucking weirdest gaduation ever. It went from everything being well organised and chill, to a fight between two families, several death threats and a divorce. A FUCKING DIVORCE AT GRADUATION. What the fuck have I gotten myself into. And now we were at some high school party were it seemed like everyone in the fucking state was here. Everyone was shitfaced and it was 4pm, I don't know why I was surprised, I'm normally drunk by now too. This was just another level though, we were in some kids mansion, people were drowning in the damn pool, there was a room just full of drinks, a fucking poker table in the corner and the smell of weed just filled the room, there was literally a fog of smoke...I FUCKING LOVED IT!

This was the weirdest fucking thing ever, Cias dad was literally here, he was with us at the party. Cia had gone off with Roxy and Tino somewhere, so it just left me, the boys, Chris and Mike and Henry, who had joined us too. I could not wait to see how this night was going to go. Random kids just kept coming up to me and the boys, drunk girls trying to dance with us and boys trying to buddy up to us. This one girl was really going for it, she was grinding all over me and for once in my life, I hated it. I didn't want it to be her, I wanted it to be her...Valencia Christina Lee. Out of the millions of girls at this party, the only ass I wanted on me was hers. Thinking about her ass was the moment when I realised I liked her. I pushed this random girl off me and she wasn't happy about it but I didn't care because in the corner of my eye I could see Cia running towards us with a bottles of Vodka, Jameson and Jack Daniels. She told us to come outside, so we all just followed her, Tino and Roxy, they'd managed to find some chairs and a table away from everyone. They placed all the bottles on the table, they managed to get five of each, I have no idea how but I wasn't going to complain. Cia was bouncing up and down going crazy, and that's when we noticed one of the bottles of Vodka was half empty. She'd drank half the bottle straight in the minutes that she was gone, and these weren't small bottles, they were quite big. I was impressed, but now it was my turn to get drunk.

Valencias POV:

After the divorce, everything went smoothly. We were now at the after party, it was 4pm but I was so ready to get hammered. The party was packed and there was barely any room to move, Grammy had obviously gone home, Jake took her home as he wasn't invited, so it was just me, Roxy, Tino, Kells, Slim, Rook, Henry and then my dad and Mike who had tagged along. I wasn't surprised, everytime my dad comes up we always go out clubbing together, and him and Mike had become best mates today, I guess the bonded over shitty wives. Me, Roxy and Tino went to go and find drinks, we found them quite quickly and were surprised to find hundreds of bottles of Vodka, like damn this is an expensive party. There was also a few bottle of Jack Daniels and Jameson which we found, so we got like five of each and went to go back to the others. I thought it would be a good idea to get started so I downed half a bottle of Vodka before we'd even got back to the others. Roxy ended up spotting a table on our way back, she told me to go sit at it but I'd seen this girl dancing all up on my man so I ran over to him, completely ignoring Roxy. Kells had pushed this girl off him even before he saw me which made me all warm inside, but that could have just been my liver burning from the Vodka. We led them over to this table and we all just sat down, but I could not sit still. I don't know if it was the alcohol or the nerves as I was about to tell Kells I liked him. I pulled Roxy to the side because I needed to get it over and done with, so we agreed to let the boys get a bit drunk first and then we would take them to the dance floor to tell them.

So that's what we did, we all got very drunk and headed to the dancefloor. Me and kells were swaying a long to the music, we weren't particularly stable. It may seem like such a stupid time to tell someone you like them but I knew it was the right time. I stood on my tiptoes leant in and whispered in his ear

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