Chapter 15

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Valencias POV:

TODAY IS GRADUATIONS DAY. It is finally Friday the 28th of June and i've never been more excited. I actually think I'm more excited than Tino, but i've been waiting for this day for so long. Everything was ready: Tinos outfit, his cap, the cars, everything. Our dad had arrived on Wednesday and it was magical, Tino was so surprised and it all ended in tears. Roxy had been over to help us while Tino was at school and I was working. I had also been keeping in touch with Kells everyday, he kept asking how everything was going and I asked how Casie was and the boys. I was beyond excited for tonight, but super nervous to tell Kells I liked him. Him and Rook had no idea what was going down tonight.

I'd woken up super early to cook Tino and my dad a proper full English breakfast, Roxy came over to help, she had brought all he stuff with her as she planned and getting ready with us. Kells was coming at 12 so I wanted to be all ready before that. So straight after breakfast, everyone got into the showers to start getting ready. I had my High School Musical playlist playing in the background to really make sure I was living my dream, and I was no Gabriella Montez, I was... Sharpay mother fucking Evans and Tino was my Ryan Evans, we are FABULOUS.

After I got ready, I went to go check on everyone else. I went to go give Tino his cap and I have to say, I think I did a damn good job on it. We'd grown up watching and admiring The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, and Tino always said he wanted to be like Will Smith, I mean who wouldn't, so I went along that theme. I painted the background blue and stuck the classic photo of Will on it, I then I painted on our favourite lyric 'yo homes smell ya l8r', and went around it with a black and pink pen. I put clear varnish over the top so it didn't get scratched or chipped. It's fair to say he loved it. I then gave him his outfit which he loved too, it was much more him than some suit.

We were all soon ready and that's when I heard the doorbell ring, it was Grammy, I was hoping it was Kells

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We were all soon ready and that's when I heard the doorbell ring, it was Grammy, I was hoping it was Kells. I really don't understand why she doesn't just walk in or use her damn key. We were about 15 minutes into Grammys complaining when Kells, Rook and Slim walked in, and holy hell did they look good.

Colsons POV:

Today was the fucking day, I started it early by getting high, because Cia had told me that she wasn't going to let us be high or drunk or even tipsy at graduation and I respected that, so I thought i'd smoke early and get it out my system. She'd also told me to make sure I ate breakfast as we wouldn't be eating for a while. I could tell she was nervous for today with all these rules and shit, but she just wanted to make sure nothing went wrong. I remembered she'd told us all to dress expensive so that's what we did, well what I did. I mean Rook and Slims outfits were expensive, they just didn't show it, but they still looked good. I'd called Casie to tell her about it, she was sad she couldn't come.

When we were all ready, we went over to Cias. I told Ash that we probably wouldn't be home tonight, but really I had no idea where we were going after the ceremony. In the car we were just talking about what was going to happen at graduation because we knew something was going to go down, I mean something always happens when either Cia, Tino or Roxy are around. I didn't want to admit it but I was also quite scared about meeting Cias dad, from what Roxy told me, he's mental, also Cindy, I still wasn't sure if she liked me. When we arrived I just walked in because I always seem to get told off for not doing that, which normally you get told off for doing it. I was immediately presented with the most intimidating but crazy good looking family. My eyes set straight on Cia's dad, there was no need to assume, the resemblance was crazy, from her and Tino. I can see where they get their good looks from because this man did not look a day over 30(his muse is Terry Crews). This was becoming a very awkward situation as I hadn't spoken since I walked in but luckily Cia came and saved me. She walked up to us all, hugging and that and then introduced us

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