Black Lives Matter

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as a black person myself, i am hurt and disgusted with what is going on in america and the world right now. and as someone with a platform that i can use to speak out i believe i should use it. i believe everyone with a platform should, no matter how small or how big you are, you should at least show that you recognise what is going on in the world right now. racism has been going on for hundreds of years, police brutality has been going on for hundreds of years and it will probably never end but we are now sick and tired of it. we are sick of being killed, abused, mocked just for being black. George Floyd died under the knee of a racist cop but he is not the only one, and he definitely won't be the last.

as for the riots and the looting, be careful. don't loot for free shit, don't fight because it's fun, fight because you care and you want to see change. we need white people to help us fight the cause as much as we need black but we don't need fake people doing it for an instagram story or a post or a tweet. you can spread awareness but don't pretend to care. people are rioting and they are risking their lives, so instead of getting your phone out, help the people around you. help the people who just got tear gassed or shot.

for the people in the uk like me, we can do things too. there are protests you can partake in, you can donate, you can spread awareness, you can educate yourself and others around you. just because it didn't happen in the uk doesn't mean we can ignore it because racism isn't just in america, its everywhere. we need to stand up as a nation and support others because not saying anything will not help.

you can do more than you think, every donation, every post, every hashtag is one step forward. remember spread awareness and educate yourself. if you hear someone being racist, don't be scared to speak up and tell them that they are wrong. don't ignore what's going on right now, make a change.



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