Chapter 24

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Valencias POV:

I was shitting myself. As I stood outside the door of the house I visited so often, memories just flooded back to me. Being outside his parents house made me remember everything from when we were younger. I remember all the good times we had, there was never really any bad times, we were just young and in love but eventually grew apart. I look up at the roof of the house, remembering the time I snuck out and ended up falling asleep on it. The plants by the door, the ones I had to replace after I threw up in them. To this day I wonder if Ajs parents ever realised. I must have been deeply lost in my thoughts, because I didn't even hear the door open. I looked up to see Aj with his arms open and I immediately fell into his embrace. From the moment he wrapped his arms around me I felt at home, I felt safe, I cried. I may not be in love with him anymore but I still love him to pieces.

After a few more minutes of hugging, we finally let go of each other and made our way into the living room. I'd taken my shoes off at the door so when I sat down on the sofa I could put my feet up. Aj sat at the opposite end to me, we were in a sort of top and tail position. For a moment we just sat in silence, both bursting to speak but no words coming out. I knew Aj too well to know he wouldn't be the first one to speak so it was up to me to start

"I am so sorry. I'm sorry for shouting at you, I'm sorry for Kells, I'm sorry for leaving you, I'm sorry for everything"

"Cia! Stop, you have no reason to be sorry, I shouldn't have showed up unannounced and you didn't leave me, I let you go. You had to. You helped me follow my dreams and I had to let you follow yours. I would of been a horrible person if I made you stay for my own benefit."

"I know but I didn't stay in contact, I should have. I wanted to as well. Every time I saw what you were achieving music wise, every time you hit a new record or won an award or played at a huge gig, I wanted to be there and congratulate you, but I didn't. We were best friends way before we dated and I promised that it would stay like that when I left but I broke that promise. I'm sorry"

"You were busy. You were 16, on your own in America, looking after Tino, attending school, managing a job and trying to follow your dreams all at the same time. If there's anyone that should be congratulated, it should be you. You finished school, you raised Tino into an amazing young man, you built an empire and managed to stay on top. I am so proud of you and I just wish I could have been by your side while you did it, as your best friend"

"I am so so so so so fucking proud of you too, I knew you could make it and I see you now collaborating with all these huge names and I've just never been more proud. I wish i'd stayed in contact and I should have reached out when everything started to settle. To be honest I didn't think that when I came back here i'd bump into you, but I'm glad I did. I missed you so much and I promise this time I won't let you go. I love you Aj"

"I missed you too Cia and I'm glad I bumped into you too. We may not be in love anymore but I will always love you. Also sorry if I caused any problems between you and your man"

"Oh don't worry about him, we're okay now. Sooooo tell me about your life we have a lot of catching up to do"

So that's what we spent the next couple of hours doing. Just catching up, laughing, reminiscing old memories. When I first saw Aj I didn't know how to feel, I just cried, but then I was angry, but now I'm so happy to have him back in my life. I hope this can be a fresh start for the both of us. Suddenly out of nowhere my phone started to ring, I check to see Tinos name pop up on the screen

"cosa vuoi?" (what do you want?)

"come sta andando tutto?" (how's everything going?)

"ottimo ora cosa vuoi?" (great now what do you want?)

"quando torni, Kells si insospettisce" (when are you coming back, kells is getting suspicious)

"quando torni, Kells si insospettisce. mettilo al telefono" (oh lord have mercy. put him on the phone)

"non posso che sia a casa di Jay" (i cant hes at jays house)

"PERCHÉ MI HAI CHIAMATO?!" (so why did you call me?!)

"perché me l'ha detto anche Jay" (because jay told me to)

"e se Jay ti dicesse di saltare da un dirupo, lo faresti? in realtà non importa, chiamerò Jay" (and if jay told you to jump off a cliff would you? actually never mind, im going to call jay)

And with that I hung up, sighing deeply. I turned to see Aj trying to hold in a laugh

"Are you laughing at my distress?"

"No..." as he fucking giggled

"Fuck you" we both burst out laughing anyway

"What's up anyway? You sounded troubled, anything I can do to help?"

"I'm organising a album drop party for Kells but apparently he's been filming with Jay and the rest of TGF today and now he's back at Jay's house and he's getting suspicious and he didn't want me to come here in the first place and I don't even know how the party planning is going and I'M JUST SO STRESSED"

"First thing you need to do is breath, a few big deep breaths in and out. Second you need to call Roxy, who I'm assuming is planning the party right now and if you want I can call Jay and find out what's going on"

"You are a star. That would help me so much, just don't let Kells find out about the party"

"Good job I still remember Italian aye?!" I just side eyed him before both of us broke out into a huge smile

See this is the thing about me and Aj. We dated but we have been best friends forever, or at least all the time we lived in England. I can always count on him to have my back and he's always willing to help me out when I need him. I would never date him again, one because I like Kells and two, we've grown as people individually and are just better off as friends. Right now he's on the phone to Jay trying to sort out a situation that he has no idea about but is willing to try just to help me, and if he ever needed me like that, I would in an instance. I could never repay him for everything he's done for me. I will try but he's done so much for me that I could never repay that.

WOOOOOOOOO I UPDATED MY STORY WOOOOOOOOO!!!!! i'm so sorry for the wait. i just suddenly got struck with motivation and here BOOM chapter 24. i hope you enjoyed also quick disclaimer. I DONT SPEAK ITALIAN I GOOGLE TRANSLATE IT SO IF ITS WRONG IM SORRY. anyways i live you all stay safe<3

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