Stan the Man [Pt. 1]

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"What do you mean?? We can wait till he tours here again"

"Bill. I owe you the world if we can just go this once." Stan states as Bill leaned against the counter watching Stan get all spastic.

"Take a minute" Bill frowns grabbing Stan's shoulders to make him stop pacing. "Take a minute Stan, you only plan on going to be there for Richie? You can video chat"

"You never heard of face time-"

"Stan. Besides the point. You don't have to physically be there"

"Bill. I need to"

Bill frowns as he brought Stanley into his arms gripping onto him tightly. "Don't do stupid shit."

"Come with me" Stan dug his face into his chest as Bill wish he could but he had to finish his scenes. "Rich would enjoy seeing both of us"

"As much as I want to cuddle you and Richie, I have to take care of scenes. Also..." Bill smiles kissing Stan's cheek making him blush. "I'd rather have you to myself. I'll book your flight"

Stan blushes watching Bill go into his study to get him the first flight out. He goes upstairs to pack a bag as he stops mid way taking his phone out to find a message.

Unread message from Patty Uris


That took a toll on the moment.

A few hours pass as Richie sat in the theater smiling at the crowd going on with his show. It was perfect. But the smile seemed forced. The jokes weren't his. The only thing keeping him there was his friends still supporting him. But even that took a toll on his mind.

"Great show tonight Tozier" Richie's manager Gene states as he ended the show of course with a mom joke. The only jokes that are his are always his mom jokes. "Get yourself a drink or two. You earned it"

"Why so nice tonight Gene?"

"Don't push it"

"There's my Gene" Richie teases before taking his phone out seeing a few texts from Stan. "I'll see you this weekend..." he leaves shortly after saying that making his way to his rental.

Stanley waited patiently in baggage claim sitting with his suitcase as he stares at the text.

Patty: Hey

He didn't bother responding as he knew an instant reply but at this moment he didn't want to send it back.

"Stan!" Richie calls out as he enters the baggage claim area that Stan texted him.

Stan smiles standing to his feet and embracing the tall bear of a man he calls his best friend. He kept the hug going for a while as they both stood there in each other's embrace taking it all in.

"Are you okay Rich?"

"No, are you?"

"Not really" Stan parts from Richie watching his eyes trail around. "If you're thinking Bill, no he's not here. He wants to finish his scenes before relaxing"

"Damn. We all could've cuddled" Richie whines as Stan laughs a bit smiling with his friend.

"So, you're staying at Eddie's? Do you think that'll be fine with me added?"

"I'm planning on going to a hotel. It was nice for a night. But Myra...god Myra scares me" Richie frowns sighing. "Hell I think she hates me"

"Well. We can get a hotel room. But you're going to have to explain it to Eddie. Even if you truly never want to" Stan frowns resting a hand on Richie's shoulder.

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