Maybe, Not Tonight [Pt. 2]

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Audra, why did you keep this from me? Why did I have to hear it from lawyers? I wish I could ask you in person. But you declared that the only time we see one another, is when it's professional. God. You're amazing in my films. But fuck can I not write a ending.


"Mind staying with me Rich?"

"No I don't, why even bother asking Billiam" Richie smiles hugging Bill tightly as he returns the same amount of squeezing.

"Okay can I join before I take a Uber to the airport?" Bev laughs as the two immediately bring her in. "Aww I love your guy's bear hugs" she smiles happily.

When Beverly left, the two found themselves in Bill's backyard. Richie kept his attention on Bill but Bill wanted to talk about something that related to his friend more than himself. A distraction from his own mess of a past but knows he's not the only one hurting.

"Are you going to tell me what happened in New York?"

"I honestly thought Bev told you"

"What do you mean?"

"When we were younger shit I'd say to her would end up to everyone but that one person I was talking about"

"Well. We are in our late thirties and early forties. We've matured. I don't think she'd do that anymore. Unless she really had to"

Richie shrugs as he leans back in the lawn chair. "Do you think he's okay?"

"Who? Eddie?"

"Yeah...I know you two talk Bill, he's your best friend and your his. I know you talk. So I guess I shouldn't question if Bev told you. But did Eddie?"

Bill frowns nodding as his answer. Richie sighs looking up at the sky trying to clear his head enough so the words wouldn't be scrambled.

"Myra shouldn't have said that you know"

"She did though. And she's not wrong"


"Bill, I should've been the one stuck down there instead of Eddie"

"You know Eddie understands"

"You sure? He understands everything? Even shit I said when he was "dead"?"

"What do you mean by that?"

Richie frowns wishing he never had to repeat his feelings out loud again. But he knew he'd have to some day to that person.

"I love him"


"I told him I love him when I thought he was dead. I've loved him since we were kids. And I've waited twenty seven years to say it. Say it to a corpse. But now he's not dead. Nor is Stan. So, shoot my shot?"

"When you're ready"


"You really want to confess again when he's still with that hag?" Bill rolls his eyes wishing he wasn't going to be mean or confess secrets that weren't his. But some had to be said. At least he thought so. "Eddie hates Myra. And it took going to Derry again to realize she reminds him of his mother"

"Ouch. Sorry but Sonia was a hundred times better than Myra"

"Are you only saying that because Myra smacked you?"

"No because mothers don't say shit in front of your friends about your friends" Richie bites the point as Bill couldn't agree more.

"Do you think he'll go to you?"

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