Benverly [Pt. 2]

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Why am I writing this again? No one is ever gonna read it. Maybe that's why. Whatever. This is too complicated for me but Bev says it works. My name is Benjamin Hanscom and I'm about to be the luckiest man alive by marrying Ms. Beverly Marsh. I know we haven't seen each other for 27 years, but the wait was worth it. Even with the troubling speed bumps along the way. I know I'm lucky to have the Losers by my side helping me prepare things. But if I'm being honest. Bill just went through a divorce and I don't wang his feelings ignored, Eddie is filing for divorce and is about to go through hell and back, Richie won't confess his feelings towards Eddie because he was high on pain medication the last time he tried, Stan has been having a lot of episodes that Patty is trying to get under control, and Mike is planning a move. So as much as I appreciate them helping, I still want to be there for them and Beverly knows that. God. What did I do to deserve her?? Like seriously. I was the fat kid who well had a crush on a girl who socially shouldn't be seen with me. But she liked me for who I was. And still does! Even if I did lose a lot of weight and gain a bit of confidence. She still likes me no matter what. God. I'm fucking blessed. -Ben Hanscom


Ben sat at the island in the kitchen going over some wedding designs Bev left for him before she went to work. He had the day off and dedicated it to planning but he also checked in every once a while with all the losers.

Ben: Good morning!

Richie: Ugh so loud

Bill: This is a text conversation

Richie: Well the brightness is fucking loud

Stan: Are you hungover?

Richie: No I'm just peachy

Ben: So hungover?

Bev: Who did you party with this time

Richie: Me. Myself. And I

Eddie: Lovely

Richie: You shut up

Eddie: What did I do to deserve this

Richie: I don't know

Ben: Uh. Good morning?


Mike: what did I walk into

Bill: Again. Text conversation.

Mike: Y'know. Rich would usually say this. But I will punch you for pointing out the obvious Bill

Bill: I'll take it

Richie: You cried watching Marley and Me

Stan: Who didn't cry at that movie?

Richie: You'd be surprised

Ben: Uh. I don't know how to steer the conversation

Bev: I do, MIKE! How's moving?

Mike: Oh boy. It's just a plan. But for the most part. There are job openings in Los Angeles for a management position in a bookstore


Eddie: Come here Mike. You won't lose brain cells

Richie: And he won't with you around?

Bill: Okay. Children. Calm down.

Ben: Maybe we can have a moving party and help you pack Mike 🥳 when things line up

Mike: That would actually be very helpful. I'll let you know

Richie: Can someone call my manager?

Eddie: The fuck. Why

Richie: Because. I can't remember what I did last night and I'm not in LA. I don't even think I'm in California

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