Maybe, Not Tonight [Pt. 1]

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"You ask me that like it's a question Rich"

"What? You're talking to someone who's in the closet. Sorry if I'm trying to get things....straight."

"I will kick your ass" Bill frowns as Richie rolls his eyes. "Now I swear to fuck you better not say anything while on set"

"You wanted a friend today. I was available after a shitty three month tour. So here I am. I'll respect the rules" Richie smiles putting his hands in his pockets. "For the most part"

"Beep beep Richie" Bill rolls his eyes opening the door to his trailer with Richie following shortly behind before immediately turning around at the sight of an angry Bev. "Nope can't leave-" he grabbed Richie's arm hearing him scream. "RICH YOU'RE FORTY SHUT UP"

"YOU DIDNT CALL ME BACK FROM THAT ONE NIGHT" Bev yells as she angrily stepped on his foot.

"WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING HERE IN LA?!" Richie scream as the two continued to argue while Bill took his leave locking the two in there. "NOW WE ARE FUCKING STUCK IN HERE"

"Stop yelling Richie. You are going to explain everything that happened in New York."

"What do you mean? I thought Staniel did that"

"Rich. Stanley didn't witness what happened at Eddie's house. Only you and Eddie. But Eddie won't tell me what is going on in your head because he's not you"

"I really don't want to talk about it at all..." Richie frowns sitting down as Bev sat beside him taking his hand into hers. "You think holding my hand is going to make me crack?"

"No, but it's reassuring. Because knowing you Rich? You've kept enough secrets and enough pain. That you don't need to keep it to yourself anymore"

"Yeah I know but you're Beverly. You're the lovely Bev Marsh dating the Brazilian looking super model Ben Hanscom. You're the one that got the love of your life back into your life...You may have been oblivious all these years...but once we all reunited again? God...I remember every signal. Every flirty remark I tried giving Eddie. And he was oblivious. But why did I wait till he was dying in my arms to tell him how I feel. And even then I don't know if he understood me completely. He's back. Praise fucking god if there is one. But..what am I supposed to do now? When his wife blames me for everything, wishes it was me under Neibolt, and when the world seems to be making a shitton of the decisions for me. I don't know what to do anymore. Because..I have my friends. I have a career. My best friend and crush aren't dead. They are alive. We all survived. There's something to be happy about. But those facts..that happened before the calm of the heart can't control itself and my head hurts.."

Bev frowns before retracting her hand and resting her head on his shoulder.

"Ben asked me to marry him"

"What?! Bev-"

"I said yes, but on one condition"

"Which is?"

"He doesn't get upset when I want to make sure our friends are okay" Bev smiles as she reaches into her shirt showing the ring on a necklace. "And the fact that I don't want to wear the ring twenty four seven. You know where he is right now?"


"Traveling with Mike. To check out a few places in Germany. He needs Mike's historic knowledge and he's just like me which makes him more perfect"

"The fact that he wants to make sure our friends are okay?"

"You guys are our family. What happened in Derry. Happened to us seven. And we had each other to fall back on. Even when we hated each other. Even is hard" Bev soon gave Richie a death stare as he knew exactly where she was getting at.

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