you belong to me

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It's been a whole week and still no word from here I am alone watching SpongeBob and dipping hit Cheetos into my second bucket of cookies and cream  ice cream.i feel tears welling in my eyes as I rub my slightly rounded stomach ."mommy got you ,I love you no matter what " I whisper to my belly .
I jump when I hear pounding on my door .pulling my eyebrows together I put my junk food to the side before standing up and heading to the door .
Opening the door my eyes widen .
"Hello Mia bella" he says before pushing his way in.
"What are you doin here?" I whisper looking away from him.
"Can I not visit the mother of my child ?" He questions tilting his head to the side .
I nod my head a bit before pulling my robe close.
My breath gets stuck in my throat when he walks up to me pulling my robe apart.getting onto his knees,I watch as his eyes scan my newly rounded bumb before his rough hands gaze my belly followed by his lips.standing up he straighten his suit out . "Have you eaten ?" He ask .blushing I glance at the ice cream and Cheetos on the couch .I see his eyes follow mine before tisking ."so no" he says .
"Pack a bag Ava ,you'll be staying with me from now on " he says .my mouth falls open
"Bu-" before you can finish sh his hand grips my chin .
"Did you really think I'd leave you on your own Carrying my child ?you are to be my wife by tomorrow and there's nothing you can do about it" get says

"I marked you, you belong to me"

Marked for Don - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now