The Power of Us (Miraculous AU)

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I'm really hoping y'all know what Miraculous Ladybug is, otherwise you'll have a very hard time understanding.

So for this one, I've created a few new names for the superheroes:

Ladybug--- Firefly (I'm pretty sure they live in the jungle, right?)

Cat Noir--- Ash Noir (Ash is a common otter name, and otters are known as the cats of the sea)

Some family relationships in this oneshot may not be the same as in the books (like how Anemone is not Turtle's sister in this).

Okay, let's go! It's gonna be a bit long!

Kinkajou sighed dreamily, her head resting on her hands. She had been daydreaming about a future life with the most amazing boy ever, Turtle Painter. She could already imagine their future children: Sunfish, Pearlescent, and Pineapple, living in a penthouse in the city of Paris, France.

Kinkajou Painter. I like the sound of that, she thought.

"Ms. Stevens!"

Kinkajou snapped her head up, gasping, her pink fruit-scented pen marking her dark hands by accident. Why did she have to daydream in the middle of class so often?

"Ms. Stevens," Mrs. Tsunami repeated. "Did you hear what I asked?"

"I-uh... No ma'am, I didn't," Kinkajou said truthfully.

Mrs. Tsunami sighed angrily. She was known throughout the school for having a short temper, and this was prime evidence of it.

"I asked you to read the question from number 6," she said slowly.

Kinkajou nodded. "What does the bolded idiom in stanza two mean, and how is it used in the context of the situation?"

"Good. Now who knows the ans-" Mrs. Tsunami was cut off by the bell, and students were already stampeding through the door before she could finish her sentence.

Kinkajou stood by the exit of the room, waiting for her best friend, Moonwatcher Foldger.

"You really need to stop getting so distracted about Turtle all the time, Kinkajou," Tikki chirped, poking her large head out of Kinkajou's handbag.

"I know, I know, but class is so boooring!" Kinkajou complained. "And hush, someone's coming!" she whispered, fastening the clasp over the small purse.

"Oh, hi Moon! How's it going with Qibli?" Kinkajou inquired, surprising the chocolate-skinned girl, her long dark braid jumping as she turned around to look at Kinkajou.

Moon laughed. "Why is it that you always want to greet me by asking about love? And, we're doing good, by the way," she added.

"I just want to know how it feels like, and what to expect, and what to do, y'know, should I find someone special to me," Kinkajou responded, trying to hide her blush.

"Oh, puh-lease! Everyone knows that you're head over heels for Turtle!"

"Am not!"

"Pff. Are too."

"Quit teasing me!"

Moon chuckled. "Look, there he is now! Ask him if he can go on a date with you! Maybe you guys can go on a double date with Qibli and I?"

"What?!" Kinkajou screeched. "Ask Turtle? No way!"


Moon gave Kinkajou a light push towards Turtle, where he was talking to Qibli Crabtree. Kinkajou bumped into Turtle's backpack, where he spun around, surprised.

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