The Power of Us Part 2

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The Power of Us (including part one) is now 2200+ words in total! Warning: it's pretty long!

Firefly looked around the corner of her and Ash Noir's temporary hideout.

"M'lady, as much as I enjoy being alone with you, we have to come up with a plan to defeat Spitfire," the cheeky superhero said.

"I know, Ash. But we can't even use my yoyo or your baton on her! She burns up everything she touches!" Firefly responded, pacing hurriedly, acting as if she was on a sugar rush.

A soft, crackling noise of metal and wood burning was heard, followed by a bout of screaming, and it was drawing closer.

"Let's go, Ash," she said miserably. Firefly started to jump on the building to distract Spitfire from the civilians, but she stopped. She felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Firefly," said Ash Noir's voice,"If there's one thing that I love about you, it's your determined spirit and ability to never give up. I'm not sure how today's gonna end, but I want to let you know that I will always be there for you. Don't give up hope so soon."

Firefly softened. "Thanks, Ash. I needed that."

Ash Noir leaned in for a hug. Firefly could smell the weird seafood-scent on his long blue hair.

"Uh, what do you think you're doing?!" Firefly exclaimed, pushing Ash away from her.

"Eh, I thought you needed a hug. I guess you could say I'm the purr-fect partner?"

"Okay, now's the time for you to shut up. Let's go fight some bad guys!"

Firefly and Ash Noir leaped onto the nearest tall building, armed with their yoyos and batons.

"Hey! Spitfire! We can't get into a heated battle without you!" the black superhero shouted. Spitfire hissed and shot after them. The air was thick with tension as the duo stood protectively over their beloved city.

"Hand over your Miraculouses!" Spitfire and Raven Moth chorused, a sick overlay of the two voices.

"Not until I stuff a pineapple up your nose!" Firefly growled. With that, they broke into battle. Firefly's yoyo and Ash's baton were swinging wildly, not close enough to touch Spitfire's burning scale-suit, but enough to get her confused.

Spitfire's vision was clouded with pink yoyo strings and shiny metal poles, it was impossible to know where and when to touch them. She finally gave up and flared her wings, burning Firefly's yoyo string in the process.

"Yes! YES! Impeccable job, Spitfire!" Raven Moth's husky voice said from deep within his akuma-room. "Now give me their Miraculouses!"

Nodding at his command, Spitfire edged closer to Firefly and Ash Noir. Firefly was still open-jawed at her broken weapon.

"M'lady, I don't mean to rush you, but Spitfire's getting closer!" Ash Noir hissed. Firefly let out a sound that sounded like a moan and a sigh.

"I know, but with the broken string, I can't toss my yoyo up and summon my Lucky Charm!"

"Ah, well, that's a problem..." Ash responded, then took Firefly in his arms and took off, vaulting with his pole, to their old alley hideout.

"What was that for?!" Firefly shrieked, getting worked up about the smallest things like usual.

"Well, you said you couldn't use your yoyo, meaning you can't swing, so I had to take matters into my own paws."

"Oh, well, uh, thanks, Ash."

"At your service, M'lady," the otter superhero meowed, bowing comically.



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