Chp. 2

770 21 44


Caitlin might be mad at me for that. I just can't wait to go back.

The next morning

Barry sped out the bed and into the shower. He changed into some work clothes and checked the time. He wasn't late. For now. Caitlin started calling him.


Oh no she's calling me. *Answers the phone*

"Good morning Cait. I'm about to head out my house to come pick you up. Are you ready? I don't want to come over and see you not dressed." I say with a smirk.

Even tho we all know what Barry's thinking about right now

"Hey Barry. Yes I'm ready so don't you even think about it." Caitlin says causing me to laugh. I use my speed to run over there.


Caitlin hears knocking on her door. "Ok, ok, I'm coming!" Caitlin says to stop the irritating constant knocking and opens the door.

"Hey Cait. You look very nice." Barry compliments.

"Thanks. But this isn't that different from what I would usually wear."

"And every day you look beautiful." Barry says causing her to blush but doesn't want him to notice so she puts her head down and thanks him.

"Shall we go now?" Barry asks.

"Sure." Caitlin responds. He picks her up and they both end up in the S.T.A.R labs parking lot in a few seconds. Caitlin fixed her clothes after Barry set her down and they headed into the S.T.A.R labs to meet up with Cisco.


I hear the sound of highheals coming down the hallway. I automatically knew it was Caitlin, but I also hear regular footsteps at the same time. Then I look up from my desk to see my ship walk into the cortex. I got so excited. So I decided to act natural.

"Hey guys. What are you doing coming in at the same time and on time?" I said I was gonna act normal, but this is technically my normal.

"Yesterday after you left, Barry took me home, but forgotten my car in the parking lot so HE decided to pick me up this morning. Which I said I'll be fine." Caitlin stared at Barry the whole time telling that with an annoyance look on her face and her arms crossed. Hold up, does their outfit ma-

"Well I didn't want you to be on a bus by yourself. Just think about it. I'm giving you free protection." Barry justified. This is so funny to watch.

Caitlin rolled her eyes. "Well I don't need it. So if you excuse me, I'm gonna start working. You should go to the CCPD before anyone starts to ask questions about where you are." Caitlin walked to her desk and started working.

Barry huffed from defeat from their disagreement and started walking out the cortex. "Fine! But I'll be back. I can use my speed you know!" Barry yelled down the hall before speeding away.

I shook my head. "Y'all cute." I said.

"Shut up." Caitlin roared. I started laughing. I see her roll her eyes. We both continue what we're doing.

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